MicroStrategy ONE
ObjectBean Characteristics
An Web Bean that is an Object Bean has the following characteristics:
The ObjectBean can retrieve objects based on their names. The search functionality exposed by the FolderBean provides a simple way to retrieve an object. When retrieving objects based on their names, the object type is required to narrow down the search results. So if the type is supplied and wildcards are present, they are used to constrain the metadata search.
If an object ID is specified, it is used, ignoring the ObjectName and ObjectType properties.
The following methods initiate requests to MicroStrategy Intelligence Server:
getObjectName()— This triggers an object browse request if the name is not supplied. This provides simple name retrieval for an ID-Type combination.
getObjectID()— This triggers an object browse request if the ID is not supplied. In this case, the name and type have to be supplied.
getObjectInfo()— This triggers an object browse request using the information supplied. If an object browse was already performed, then this method merely returns the initialized WebObjectInfo interface to the object.
getParentID()— This also triggers an object browse if one was not performed.
getParentFolderBean()— This also triggers an object browse if one was not performed.
Note that while a bean for this interface is not exposed, an abstract base class is built that implements this interface, which is used to build other beans.
The ObjectBean methods include the following additional services:
Retrieval of an object by name— This includes support for wildcards so that a caller can specify the name of an object, possibly with its type. If more than one object matches this simple search, then the first one is chosen.
Retrieval of an object ID— When getObjectID is called, the bean consults Intelligence Server and returns the object ID.
Access to the remaining properties— When getObjectInfo method is called, the bean executes the object-browsing request and returns the WebObjectInfo interface on that object. To refine the object server request, the contained WebObjectSource object can be accessed for setting other properties such as block counts, flags, and so on.
The getParentID method is used to return the DSS ID of the parent folder. When the page renders the parent folder, then the getParentFolderBean method can be used.