MicroStrategy ONE

Configure the SharePoint Files Connector

Starting on November 9, 2020, Microsoft announced that end users will no longer be able to grant consent to newly registered multi-tenant apps without verified publishers.

To use the SharePoint Files connector, you need to register an app to support OAuth authentication to Microsoft Azure.

Complete the following 3 steps for a successful configuration:

  1. Register an OAuth app with single-tenant and grant permissions.
  2. Deploy the connectors.
  3. Update the configuration file in all cluster nodes.

Register the Application

  1. Log in to your Azure portal.
  2. Navigate to App registrations.

  3. Go to New registrations > Single tenant account type.
  4. Input the Redirect URI in the following format:


  5. Click on a newly registered app and go to API permissions.
  6. Add the following permission in Microsoft Graph.

    • Files.Read.All
    • profile
    • Sites.Read.All
    • User.Read

  7. Ensure your Azure admin grants consent for these permissions.
  8. Click Certificates & secrets and create a new Client Secret. (Copy and save the value because they will not be displayed once you leave the page.)

  9. Click Overview.
  10. Copy and save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID for later use.

Deploy the Connector

  1. Log into MicroStrategy with an administrator user.
  2. Open the Connect to Your Data dialog.
  3. Hover your mouse over the SharePoint Files connector.
  4. Click Edit Connector.
  5. Enter the app parameters.

  6. Click Save.

Update the Configuration File in All Cluster Nodes

To configure cluster environments for Community Connectors, see KB484387.