AbstractFilterOperatorContextMenuItemBuilder |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate operator's context-menus of the Filter editor.
AbstractFolderContextMenuItemBuilder |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate context-menus used in the Folder page.
AbstractFolderParentMenu |
AbstractInboxContextMenuItemBuilder |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate context-menus used in the History List page.
AbstractPagebyContextMenuItemBuilder |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate context-menus used with the PageBy transform.
AbstractReportCellComposedContextMenuItemBuilder |
This is a base class for those context menu item builders for report cells that generate
menu options with sub-menus associated to them.
AbstractReportCellContextMenuItemBuilder |
AbstractReportCellInsertMetric |
AbstractReportCellMove |
AbstractReportCellMove is the base class for generating pivot options for the
different cells on a report grid.
AbstractReportCellParentMenu |
The AbstractReportCellParentMenu
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options - defined on the XML Configuration file - that a user will be enabled to select.
AbstractReportCellSort |
AbstractReportCellSort is the base class for generating sort options for the
different cells on a report grid.
AbstractReportCellThresholds |
AbstractUserMgrContextMenuItemBuilder |
AddDimensionAttributeToGridOrFilter |
AddDimensionElementToFilter |
AdminFolderDelete |
AdminFolderEdit |
CreateSelectorControl |
EditWithAppschema |
Created by rxu on 11/15/2017.
FilterAnd |
FilterAndNot |
FilterOr |
FilterOrNot |
FolderCopy |
FolderCreateAnalysisFromReport |
FolderCreateDocumentFromAnalysis |
FolderCreateDocumentFromReport |
FolderCreateDocumentFromTheme |
FolderCreateHTML5VIFromReport |
FolderCreateReportFromCube |
FolderCreateShortcut |
FolderDelete |
FolderDisplayProperties |
FolderEdit |
FolderExportLink |
FolderExportMstr |
Class to support export to mstr (Download Dashboard option) from folder view.
FolderInlineRename |
FolderMove |
FolderNew |
The context menu builder for the Folder's New RMC menu.
FolderNewFilter |
FolderNewPrompt |
FolderOpen |
FolderOpenInLibrary |
FolderQueryBuilder |
FolderRename |
FolderRun |
FolderRunAs |
FolderRunViewMedia |
FolderShareLink |
FolderSimpleAction |
FolderTreeExportLink |
FolderTreeShareLink |
FolderVIDebug |
GraphColorPicker |
InboxDelete |
InboxDetails |
InboxExport |
InboxPDF |
InboxRename |
InboxUnread |
NCSRemoveRecipient |
OndemandContextMenuBuilderFactory |
Factory to create OndemandContextMenuBuilder instances which are used in creating ondemand context menus.
OndemandContextMenusTransform |
The OndemandContextMenusTransform class populates the ContextMenuManager with the context menus available as RMC on the report.
OndemandDrillContextMenusTransform |
Build Drill context menus
PageByAttrForms |
PageByDelete |
PageByHyperLinkEdit |
PageByHyperLinkNavigation |
PageByHyperLinkNavigation.AbstractHyperLinkNavigationContextMenuBuilder |
PageByHyperLinkNavigation.InvalidHyperLinkNavigationContextMenuBuilder |
PageByPivot |
PageByProperties |
PageByRemove |
PageByRename |
PageBySort |
ReportCellActionControlEditor |
ReportCellAddShortcutMetric |
The ReportCellAddShortcutMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will allow users to
insert new shortcut metrics over selected cell.
ReportCellAdvancedSort |
The ReportCellAdvancedSort
represents a context menu item that a user is enabled to sort the current grid.
ReportCellAdvancedThresholds |
ReportCellAlert |
Represents a context menu item builder to open the alerts editor.
ReportCellAlertEmail |
ReportCellAlertMobile |
ReportCellAttributeFormEditor |
The ReportCellAttributeFormEditor
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
a link to the Attribute Form Editor.
ReportCellAttributeForms |
The ReportCellAttributeForms
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
modifying the different attribute forms that can be viewed for the attribute cell currently
selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellAttributeForms.AbstractAttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder |
Abstract base implementation of the AttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder interface.
ReportCellAttributeForms.InvalidAttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder |
Implementation of the AttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder interface for representing
a builder instance corresponding to a non-supported context.
ReportCellClearDerivedElements |
The ReportCellClearDerivedElements
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to rename the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellCustomSort |
The ReportCellCustomSort
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to rename the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellDefaultMenu |
ReportCellDEQuickGroup |
ReportCellDEQuickGroupOperator |
ReportCellDerivedElements |
The ReportCellDerivedElements
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to rename the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellDrill |
The ReportCellDrill
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
navigating different drill paths for the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellDrill.AbstractDrillContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellDrill.HeaderDrillContextMenuBuilder |
Relevant to WebHeader (could be MetricHeader, AttributeHeader or DimensionHeader
ReportCellDrill.InvalidDrillContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellDrill.RowValueDrillContextMenuBuilder |
Relavant for metric cell values
ReportCellDrill.TitleDrillContextMenuBuilder |
Relevant to WebTitle related to attribute or metric
ReportCellEditDerived |
ReportCellFilterOn |
The ReportCellFilterOn
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to create a filter based on the current grid cell selected,
specified on the context.
ReportCellFilterOnSelections |
ReportCellFilterOnSelections is responsible for generating the Filter On Selections menu option.
ReportCellFormat |
The ReportCellFormat
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to format the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellHyperLink |
The ReportCellHyperLink
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to add hyper link to a template unit
from the grid.
ReportCellHyperLinkNavigation |
ReportCellHyperLinkNavigation.AbstractHyperLinkNavigationContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellHyperLinkNavigation.InvalidHyperLinkNavigationContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellInsertMetric |
The ReportCellInsertMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new metrics based on the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellInsertPercentToTotalMetric |
The ReportCellInsertPercentToTotalMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new metrics based on the percent to total of the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellKeepOnGrid |
The ReportCellKeepOnGrid
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to keep the current grid cell selected (specified on the context)
on the grid.
ReportCellMetricFilter |
The ReportCellMetricFilter
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of the options that a user is enabled to access
for view reports
ReportCellMetricFilterEdit |
Context Menu Builder class used for the "Filter On..." context menu option on metrics in a grid
ReportCellMove |
The ReportCellMove
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
pivoting the current grid cell element selected, indicated on the context.
ReportCellMoveDown |
The ReportCellMoveDown
class represents the pivot option that allows
ReportGridCellColTitle cell
instances to be moved
on the grid template.
ReportCellMoveLeft |
The ReportCellMoveLeft
class represents the pivot option that allows
cells other than ReportGridCellColTitle
instances to be moved
on the grid template.
ReportCellMoveRight |
The ReportCellMoveRight
class represents the pivot option that allows
cells other than ReportGridCellColTitle
instances to be moved
on the grid template.
ReportCellMoveToColumns |
ReportCellMoveToPageBy |
The ReportCellMoveToPageBy
class represents the pivot option that allows cell
instances to be moved
to the page by section
on the grid template.
ReportCellMoveToRows |
ReportCellMoveUp |
The ReportCellMoveUp
class represents the pivot option that allows
ReportGridCellColTitle cell
instances to be moved
on the grid template.
ReportCellNewCustomSort |
The ReportCellNewCustomSort
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to rename the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellPercentForEachMetric |
The ReportCellPercentForEachMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new metrics based on the different grid elements, as specified on the context.
ReportCellPercentForEachMetric.AbstractInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellPercentForEachMetric.InvalidInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellPercentGrandTotalMetric |
The ReportCellPercentGrandTotalMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will allow users to
insert new percent metrics based on the grand total.
ReportCellPercentOverColumnsMetric |
The ReportCellPercentOverColumnsMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will allow users to
insert new percent metrics over column information.
ReportCellPercentOverPagesMetric |
The ReportCellPercentOverPagesMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will allow users to
insert new percent metrics over page information.
ReportCellPercentOverRowsMetric |
The ReportCellPercentOverRowsMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will allow users to
insert new percent metrics over row information.
ReportCellRankMetric |
The ReportCellRankMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new ranking metrics based on the grid information, available on the context.
ReportCellRankMetric.AbstractInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellRankMetric.InvalidInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellRemoveFromGrid |
The ReportCellRemoveFromGrid
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to remove the current grid cell selected (specified on the context)
from the grid.
ReportCellRemoveFromReport |
The ReportCellRemoveFromReport
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to remove the current grid cell selected (specified on the context)
from the report definition.
ReportCellRename |
The ReportCellRename
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to rename the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellSelectorControlEditor |
ReportCellSort |
The ReportCellSort
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
sorting the current grid cell selected, specified on the context.
ReportCellSortAscending |
ReportCellSortAscending will enable users to request the sorting of
a given field on the grid in ascending order.
ReportCellSortColAscending |
ReportCellSortColAscending will enable users to request the column sorting of
a given field on the grid in ascending order.
ReportCellSortColDescending |
ReportCellSortColDescending will enable users to request the column sorting of
a given field on the grid in descending order.
ReportCellSortDescending |
ReportCellSortDescending will enable users to request the sorting of
a given field on the grid in descending order.
ReportCellThresholds |
The ReportCellThresholds
represents a context menu item builder that will generate
the option for being able to add advanced thresholds for the current grid cell selected,
specified on the context.
ReportCellTransformationMetric |
The ReportCellTransformationMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new transformation metrics based on the grid information, available on the context, and on the
transformation roles available on the project.
ReportCellTransformationMetric.AbstractInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellTransformationMetric.InvalidInsertMetricContextMenuBuilder |
ReportCellVisualThresholds |
ReportGraphDrill |
ReportGraphDrill.GraphAreaContextMenuBuilder |
ReportGraphFill |
ReportGraphFont |
ReportGraphFormat |
ReportGraphLine |
ReportPageByCellDrill |
ReportPageByCellDrill.TitleDrillContextMenuBuilder |
ReportTitleInsertMetric |
The ReportTitleInsertMetric
represents a context menu item builder that will hold
a sub-menu structure with a list of
the options that a user is enabled to access for
inserting new shortcut metrics based on the current grid title selected, specified on the context.
ReportWSDelete |
RepublishCube |
RWDrill |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate drill context menus for RWDs.
ScheduleCube |
SelectControlTargets |
TextHyperLinkNavigation |
This class is used by Microstrategy Web as a base class for those
used to populate drill context menus for RWDs.
UserMgrDelete |
UserMgrEdit |
UserMgrNew |
UserMgrNewGroup |
UserMgrNewGroupStandalone |
UserMgrNewUser |
UserMgrNewUserStandalone |