Class FolderOpenInLibrary

    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderOpenInLibrary

        public FolderOpenInLibrary​(Shortcut definition)
    • Method Detail

      • getContextMenuFlag

        protected int getContextMenuFlag()
        This is deprecated. The folderContextMenu.xml file is used to customize the context menu. However, it is still a required function to implement.
        Specified by:
        getContextMenuFlag in class AbstractFolderContextMenuItemBuilder
      • isActionEnabled

        protected boolean isActionEnabled​(TransformContext context)
        Only enable this action if the object is a Dossier(formerly VI) with execute privileges and if a link to Library application exists.
        Specified by:
        isActionEnabled in class AbstractFolderContextMenuItemBuilder
        true if the above conditions are true and false otherwise
      • getItemKey

        public java.lang.String getItemKey​(TransformContext context)
        Needed to override this method so that it would create a new menu item for each unique Dossier. Otherwise getJSCode will only be called once and every Dossier will try to open to the first encountered Dossier on the folder browsing page.
        Specified by:
        getItemKey in interface ContextMenuItemBuilder
        getItemKey in class AbstractFolderContextMenuItemBuilder
        context - The context for context menu item creation
        The key for the context menu item if created using the context. By default null will be return, which means build has no knowledge about the item key. Then context menu item may generate the key by itself. For builder who wants avoid unnecessary item creation should take advantage of this method by overriding with a meaningful implementation.