Class ReportCellAttributeForms.AbstractAttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder

        public AbstractAttributeFormsContextMenuBuilder​(ReportGridDisplayCell.Context context)
        Class constructor
        context - ReportGridDisplayCell's Context instance with the information about the context (cell, transform, etc) where this menu item will be displayed.
    • Method Detail

      • getWebTemplateUnit

        protected abstract WebTemplateUnit getWebTemplateUnit()
        WebTemplateUnit instance associated with the context menu options being rendered by this class.
      • internalPopulate

        protected void internalPopulate()
      • processGenericOption

        protected void processGenericOption()
        If enabled, display a "More Options" entry on the context menu for allowing the user to select other Attribute Forms to use on the grid for the current unit being analyzed.
      • processViewForms

        protected void processViewForms()
        Render all the view forms of the current unit being analyzed as menu options from where the user can select to remove them from the current grid view or not.
      • processWorkingSetForms

        protected void processWorkingSetForms()
        Render those forms that exist on the working set but are not currently part of the view forms for the unit being analized. The user will be given the option to add them to the grid view.
      • processDerivedAttributeForms

        protected void processDerivedAttributeForms()
        Render forms from Derived Attributes.
      • canDisplayBaseForms

        protected boolean canDisplayBaseForms()
        this method is no longer used by the code base
        boolean value indicating if the user can review and select (add) new base forms of the unit being analyzed to the grid view.
      • processBaseForms

        protected void processBaseForms()
        this method is no longer used by the base code
        Render attribute base forms that do not exist defined as part of the working set. The user will be given the option to add them to the grid view.
      • getViewAttributeForms

        protected WebAttributeForms getViewAttributeForms()
        Utility method for obtaining the current view attribute forms for the unit being analyzed
        WebAttributeForms instance with the attribute forms defined as part of the view. If the process fails obtaining them, it will return null
      • getWorkingSetAttributeForms

        protected WebAttributeForms getWorkingSetAttributeForms()
        Utility method for obtaining the current working set attribute forms for the unit being analyzed
        WebAttributeForms instance with the attribute forms defined as part of the working set. The collection might include those that are view forms. If the process fails obtaining them, it will return null
      • getBaseForms

        protected WebAttributeForms getBaseForms()
        this method is no longer used by the base code
        Utility method for obtaining the base attribute forms for the unit being analyzed
        WebAttributeForms instance with the base attribute forms. If the process fails obtaining them, it will return null
      • setIframeEnabled

        public void setIframeEnabled​(boolean value)
        Define if the options to generate will be iframe enabled or not
        Specified by:
        setIframeEnabled in interface ComposedContextMenuBuilder
        value - boolean value indicating if the options to generate will be iframe enabled or not
      • isIframeEnabled

        public boolean isIframeEnabled()
        Specified by:
        isIframeEnabled in interface ComposedContextMenuBuilder
        boolean value indicating if the options generated by this builder are iframe enabled or not
      • getSubMenu

        protected ContextMenu getSubMenu()
        ContextMenu instance where the different options this builder will generate will be saved.
      • getDescriptor

        protected java.lang.String getDescriptor​(int key)
        Utility method for obtaining the string of a descriptor
        key - value with the identifier of the descriptor to obtain
        String value of the descriptor, according to the key provided
      • isFeatureAvailable

        protected boolean isFeatureAvailable​(java.lang.String featureName)
        Utility method for determining if a feature is available or not
        featureName - String value with the name of the feature to test
        boolean value indicating if the feature is available or not.
      • isTrue

        protected boolean isTrue​(java.lang.String fpName)
        Utility method for obtaining the boolean value of a given formal parameter
        fpName - String value with the name of the formal parameter to test
        boolean value of the formal parameter requested. If not found or the formal parameter is not of type boolean, it will return false.
      • getIntValue

        protected int getIntValue​(java.lang.String fpName,
                                  int defaultValue)
        Utility method for obtaining the integer value of a given formal parameter
        fpName - String value with the name of the formal parameter to test
        defaultValue - value to return if the process of querying the formal parameter fails.
        value of the formal parameter requested. If not found or the formal parameter is not of type integer, it will return the default value provided.
      • getStringValue

        protected java.lang.String getStringValue​(java.lang.String fpName,
                                                  java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Utility method for obtaining the string value of a given formal parameter
        fpName - String value with the name of the formal parameter to test
        defaultValue - value to return if the process of querying the formal parameter fails.
        value of the formal parameter requested. If not found or the formal parameter is not of type string, it will return the default value provided.