MicroStrategy ONE

8. Migrate Comments to a New Installation of Collaboration Server

The following migration steps only apply when upgrading MicroStrategy 2019 to MicroStrategy 2020 and 2021.

If you upgrading MicroStrategy 2020 to MicroStrategy 2021, use the database backup and restore functionality, as described in MicroStrategy Repository.

In MicroStrategy ONE, Collaboration Server uses MicroStrategy Repository to store user comments. When performing a parallel upgrade, the new installation of Collaboration Server will be automatically configured to MicroStrategy Repository during installation. After performing the upgrade, Collaboration Server will only support connections to the MicroStrategy Data Repository. Any existing user comments will need to be migrated to the new repository to remain accessible.

The Collaboration Server Administration Tool provides a way for system administrators to migrate comments from the previous data repository to the new data repository. The Collaboration Administration Page will display a warning message when it detects that a previous data repository was used by the Collaboration Server before the upgrade.

The Collaboration Server Administration Tool is a console application and will connect to the data repository using the same configuration as the Collaboration Server so no user input is required to connect. The tool will provide feedback as data is being migrated and will show a message when the migration is complete.

On the existing Collaboration Server:

  1. Edit the mongod.cfg file under the /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/MongoDB/ directory, add a new section net with bindIpAll: true. It will allow the MongoDB to be accessible outside of the machine so we can use the Collaboration Server Administration Tool to connect to the MongoDB from another machine.

    Make sure to use four spaces instead of a tab for the indentation because the mongod.cfg is in YAML format.

            serviceName: MSTR_mongodb
            displayName: MongoDB
        authorization: enabled
        bindIpAll: true
  2. Restart the Mongo DB service to apply the modified configuration.

    ./mongod.sh restart
  3. Open the config.json file under the /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/ directory, copy the entire dburl property.

On the new Collaboration Server machine:

  1. Stop the MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service.

    ./collaborationServer.sh stop
  2. Open the config.json file under the /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/ directory paste the dburl line at the top of the content. Replace the localhost string in the dburl with the IP of the existing Collaboration Server machine. Make sure the content is in valid JSON format. Here is an example of the modified config.json file.

        "dburl": "mongodb://mstr:xxxx@{IP of the existing 2019 machine}:27017/mstr_collab?authSource=admin",
        "port": 3000,
        "logging": false,
        "authorizationServerUrl": "http://localhost:8080/MicroStrategyLibrary/api",
        "dataSource": {
            "username": "mstr_collab",
            "password": "xxxxxx"
        "scaling": "none",
        "secretKey": "xxxx",
        "enableConfigApi": true
  3. Run the Data Migration Command:
    • Enter the three file locations in the following format:


      /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/NodeJS/bin/node /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/node_modules/mstr-collab-svc/admintool.js /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/config.json
    • Use the migrate command to run the data migration:

      cmd> migrate
    • Enter quit to close the Collaboration Server Administration Tool.
  4. Start the service MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service.

    ./collaborationServer.sh start