MicroStrategy ONE

Max Columns in Index

The Max Columns in Index property controls the maximum number of columns that can be used when creating an index. This limit applies to both primary and secondary indexes. If the maximum is five columns but there are 10 columns available to index, the first five are selected. However, each attribute has a "weight" that you can set. When SQL is generated, the attributes are selected in ascending order of "weight." By combining Attribute Weights and the Max Columns in Index properties, you can designate any attribute to be included in the index.

You can define attribute weights in the Project Configuration Editor. Select the Report definition: SQL generation category, and in the Attribute weights section, click Modify.

The table below explains the possible values and their behavior:

Value Behavior


All attribute ID columns are placed in the index


The maximum number of attribute ID columns that are placed in the index

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Database instance, report, and template