MicroStrategy ONE

Limit the Size of Messages Logged to Kafka

MicroStrategy can log messages to Kakfa which are stored as text files. Limiting the size of these files allows you to quickly diagnose problems if they occur. The default setting for these log files is set to 20 MB and can be adjusted in the LogConsumer.properties file or the Kafka Consumer Console.

When the log files reach the size limit they will automatically roll over to a backup file.

Adjust the Setting in the Properties File

  1. Open LogConsumer.properties from one of the following locations:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Intelligence Server\KafkaConsumer\LogConsumer.properties
    • Linux: [InstallPath]/IntelligenceServer/KafkaConsumer/LogConsumer.properties
  2. Modify the setting max_file_size_M=20 by replacing the default value of 20 with the MB you would like log files to be.
  3. Click Save.

Adjust the Setting via Kafka Consumer Console

  1. Delete the LogConsumer.properties properties file.
  2. Open the Kafka Consumer Console by executing the following command:

    java -jar KafkaConsumer.jar

  3. Follow the command line prompts to enter the Kafka consumer settings.