MicroStrategy ONE

Monitoring Currently Executing Jobs

The Job Monitor informs you of what is happening with system tasks. However, it does not display detailed sub-steps that a job is performing. You can see jobs that are:

  • Executing
  • Waiting in the queue
  • Waiting for a user to reply to a prompt
  • Canceling
  • Not completing because of an error

The Job Monitor displays which tasks are running on an Intelligence Server. When a job has completed it no longer appears in the monitor. You can view a job's identification number; the user who submitted it; the job's status; a description of the status and the name of the report, document, or query; and the project executing it.

To View the Currently Executing Jobs

  1. In Developer, log in to a project source. You must log in as a user with the Monitor Jobs privilege.
  2. Expand Administration, then expand System Monitors, and then select Jobs. The job information displays on the right-hand side.
  3. Because the Job Monitor does not refresh itself, you must periodically refresh it to see the latest status of jobs. To do this, press F5.
  4. To view a job's details including its SQL, double-click it.
  5. To view more details for all jobs displayed, right-click in the Job Monitor and select View options. Select the additional columns to display and click OK.

At times, you may see "Temp client" in the Network Address column. This may happen when Intelligence Server is under a heavy load and a user accesses the list of available projects. Intelligence Server creates a temporary session that submits a job request for the available projects and then sends the list to the MicroStrategy Web client for display. This temporary session, which remains open until the request is fulfilled, is displayed as Temp client.

To Cancel a Job

  1. Select the job in the Job Monitor.
  2. Press DELETE, and then confirm whether you want to cancel the job.