MicroStrategy ONE
Limit the Memory Consumption for File Generation
Exporting a report to a different format can consume a great deal of memory. The amount of memory available for use by exporting files from MicroStrategy Web is governed by the maximum memory consumption limits in the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor. If an export attempts to use more memory than these settings allow, the export fails with the error message "MicroStrategy Intelligence Server cannot handle your request because a memory request has exceeded the configured limit. Please contact the server administrator."
The more formatting an exported report has, the more memory it consumes. When exporting large reports the best options are plain text or CSV file formats because formatting information is not included with the report data. In contrast, exporting reports as Excel with formatting uses a significant amount of memory because the exported Excel file contains both the report data and all the formatting data. For more information about exporting reports, see Client-Specific Job Processing.
Because Excel export uses significantly more memory than other export formats, you can limit the size of reports exported to Excel from Developer as well as from Web. The default memory consumption limit is 100 MB.
To set the maximum memory consumption limits for exporting reports from Web, in the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor, select the Governing Rules: Default: File Generation category, and specify the Maximum memory consumption for the XML, PDF, Excel, and HTML files.
Depending on your Memory Contract Manager settings, an export can use less memory than specified by these settings and still be denied because of a lack of memory. For more information about Memory Contract Manager, see Governing Intelligence Server Memory Use with Memory Contract Manager.
To Set the Maximum Memory Consumption for Excel File Generation
- In Developer, log in to a project source using an account with the Configure Server Basic privilege.
- From the Tools menu, select Project Source Manager.
- Select the project source and click Modify.
- On the Memory tab, in the Export to Excel section, select Use custom value. In the Maximum RAM Usage (MB) field, specify the maximum memory consumption.
- Click OK.