MicroStrategy ONE
Limit the Information Displayed at One Time
In MicroStrategy Web, if a report contains a large amount of data, it can use a great deal of the system resources and take a significant amount of time before it is displayed to the user. You can lessen the impact of these large reports by limiting the maximum number of rows and columns that are displayed. If a report's result set is larger than these limits, the report is broken into pages (increments) that are fetched from the server one at a time.
The size of these increments can be set as project defaults by the MicroStrategy Web administrator. Users with the Web Change User Preferences privilege can also customize these sizes.
To Limit the Number of Rows and Columns for All Users
- In MicroStrategy Web, log in to a project as a user with the Web Administration privilege.
- Click the MicroStrategy icon, then click Preferences.
- Select Project defaults, and then select the Grid display category.
- Specify the values in the Maximum rows in grid and Maximum columns in grid fields.
- Click OK.
To Limit the Number of Rows and Columns for One User
- In MicroStrategy Web, log in to a project as a user with the Web Change User Preferences privilege.
- Click the MicroStrategy icon, then click Preferences.
- Select the Grid display category.
- Specify the values in the Maximum rows in grid and Maximum columns in grid fields.
If the user sets the number of rows and columns too high, the number of XML cells limit that is set in Intelligence Server (see Limit the Number of XML Cells) governs the size of the result set.
- Click OK.