MicroStrategy ONE
Prerequisites for working with documents
To work with MicroStrategy Report Services documents, you must have purchased a license for MicroStrategy Report Services and installed it on your machine. You must also have the proper privileges assigned to your user login.
To analyze documents, you must have the following privileges:
Execute document, to execute documents in MicroStrategy Developer
Web execute document, to browse and execute documents in MicroStrategy Web
To execute a document in MicroStrategy Developer, you must connect to the project in three-tier (server) mode.
To create and edit documents, you must have the following privileges:
Execute document, to execute documents in MicroStrategy Developer
Use document editor, to create and edit documents using the Document Editor in MicroStrategy Developer
Web execute document, to browse and execute documents in MicroStrategy Web
Web document design, to create and edit documents in MicroStrategy Web
Web manage document datasets, to add and remove datasets from a document in MicroStrategy Web
To execute a document in MicroStrategy Developer, you must connect to the project in three-tier (server) mode.
If you do not have Report Services, contact your MicroStrategy sales representative for more information.