MicroStrategy ONE
Keeping the contents of a section together
When a page break occurs within a document section, the remainder of the section is printed on the next page. To print the section on a single page, set the Keep together property to True. If the section cannot fit on one page, it starts on a new page and continues printing on the following pages.
You can use this option to, for example, keep column labels in text fields with the data fields that they identify. If the column labels of a section are stranded at the bottom of a page, with the corresponding data at the top of the next page, apply the Keep together setting to that section.
You can also keep an entire group together. For information, see Keeping a group together on a page.
To keep the contents of a section together
Open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)
Select the section to modify in the drop-down list at the top of the Property List.
In Property List: Page Break: Keep together, select True.
You can also use the Properties dialog box:
From the Format menu, select Properties.
Click the Layout tab. Select the Keep together check box and click OK.