MicroStrategy ONE
Changing the size of sections in documents
While designing a document, you can drag the lower boundary of a section to make it larger or smaller. However, by default, when you view a document as a PDF its sections expand to fit the controls that they contain. They do not shrink when the controls are smaller than the section size. You can change this behavior by setting the Height can shrink property to True. Then the section is only as big as necessary to display all the information in the section.
You can define a section as a set size that does not vary, or as a variable size that grows or shrinks within set limits. To do this, set the Size properties of the section, as described in the procedure below.
For an example of sizing a section, refer to the Document Creation Help.
Changing the horizontal size of a section
A horizontally displayed section prints horizontally across a page and therefore needs additional Size properties to control the horizontal size. These properties are:
You can define a horizontally displayed section as a set width that does not vary, or as a variable width that grows or shrinks within set limits according to the size of its content.
For example, to use a specific width, type the size in the Width property. Set the Width can grow and Width can shrink properties to False.
The width should not be smaller than the rightmost edge of the controls in the section. This ensures that controls are displayed regardless of their position.
To adjust the width to the contents automatically, without wasting space, set Maximum width to zero. Set the Width can grow and Width can shrink properties to True.
For an example of sizing the width of a section, refer to the Document Creation Help.
When exported to HTML or viewed in HTML, a document section uses the Height setting, regardless of the Height can grow or Maximum height settings. For example, the height of a document section is defined as 1.5 inches, the maximum height as 10, and Height can grow is selected. The data in the document section is longer than 1.5 inches. In HTML View or when exported to HTML, the document section is only 1.5 inches high, and the data is cut off. This occurs because the exact height cannot be determined during HTML rendering. To allow all the data to be displayed, specify a more accurate Height setting.
To change the size of a section
Open the document in the Document Editor. How?
Select the section in the drop-down list at the top of the Property List.
Specify the size in the Property List settings described below:
Height can grow: determines whether the section height can expand to fit its contents. The section height does not change in Design View.
Height can shrink: determines whether the section height can shrink to fit its contents. The section height does not change in Design View.
Height: sets the height of the section.
Maximum height: sets the maximum height for the section. Zero (0) indicates that there is no height limit.
If the section is displayed horizontally (that is, across the page), you can specify the width of the section:
Width can grow: determines whether the section width can expand to fit its contents. The section width does not change in Design View.
Width can shrink: determines whether the section width can shrink to fit its contents. The section width does not change in Design View.
Width: sets the width of the section.
Maximum width: sets the maximum width for the section. Zero (0) indicates that there is no width limit.
By default, the section displays only if it contains content. To display the section whether or not it has content, clear Hide if empty.
Choose one of the following scenarios, if applicable:
To have the section's size adjust automatically to its contents, use the following settings:
Maximum height: 0 (zero)
Can grow: True
Can shrink: True
To set the section to a fixed height regardless of its contents, use the following settings:
Height: desired size
Can grow: False
Can shrink: False
To allow the section to grow only to a maximum height, use the following settings:
Maximum height: maximum size
Can grow: True
Can shrink: True
To allow the section to shrink only to a minimum height, use the following settings:
Height: minimum size
Maximum height: 0 (zero)
Can grow: True
Can shrink: False
To allow the section to adjust automatically to its contents, but within a set range, use the following settings:
Height: minimum size
Maximum height: maximum size
Can grow: True
Can shrink: False
If Maximum Height is less than Height, the section is displayed with a fixed height equal to the size set in Height.
You can also use the Hide if empty property with any of these scenarios, as described below:
If it is set to True, the section does not display if it contains no data.
If it is set to False, the section displays according to the size properties, even if the section does not contain any data.