MicroStrategy ONE

Embedding fonts for Flash Mode (MicroStrategy Web)

Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web allows you to access features provided by Flash, such as widgets. Widgets are a type of control that presents data in a visual and interactive way. For more information on Flash Mode, see Viewing and interacting with documents in MicroStrategy Web.

Fonts must be embedded if the document contains any of the following:

  • Anti-alias support

  • Vertical text

  • Graph labels rotated 45, 90, or 180º

If the font used for one of these features is not embedded, anti-alias is not used or the text is displayed horizontally.

The font definitions, such as Tahoma and ComicSans, are contained in SWF files. For example, these files can include the font types that supportvertical textand font anti-aliasing in Flash Mode.


Save the SWF files in C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\Web or the directory in which the dashboardviewer.swf file is located.

To embed fonts for Flash Mode

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. From the Format menu, select Document Properties. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Select Flash from the list of categories on the left.

  4. In the Embed the following fonts field, enter the relative path and the name of the SWF file, such as ../swf/

  5. Click OK to return to the document.

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