MicroStrategy ONE

Condition Advanced Options Dialog Box

Use the Condition Advanced Options dialog to select advanced options for conditional metrics.

  1. Open the Metric Function Editor.
  2. Select a function and click Show All to display the Condition area.
  3. Click Condition Advanced Options.
  4. By default, the parts of the report filter that are based on parent or child attributes of the attribute in the metric condition are ignored, and do not affect the calculation of the conditional metric. To apply all criteria in the report filter to the conditional metric, clear the Ignore related report filter elements checkbox. This option is selected by default.
  5. By default, the report filter is applied to the metric data and then the metric filter is applied to those results. You can determine the order in which the report filter and metric filter are applied to the metric. From the Interaction between metric filter and report filter drop-down, select one of the following:
    • Merge report filter into metric (default): Applies the report filter criteria first and then applies the metric filter to the results. For example, the metric filter is revenue greater than $100 and the report filter is bottom 10 items for sales. In this example, the report filter narrows the result set to only 10 items, and then the metric condition filters out, from those 10 items, any items with a revenue above $100.
    • Merge metric condition into report: Evaluates the metric first and then applies the report filter to the results. Using this option with the example above, the metric condition returns all items with a revenue above $100. The report filter then filters out all but the bottom 10 of those items, based on sales.
    • Merge into new: Combines the metric and report filter. Only those results that meet both the metric filter and the report filter are included in the metric. Using this option with the example above, the two filters are merged, so that only those items that are in the bottom 10 in terms of sales and that have sales greater than $100 are included.
  6. Click OK.