MicroStrategy ONE

Signing in to Desk.com by Scanning a QR Code

Desk.com™ users can log in using their smartphones to scan a QR code displayed on the computer screen. After you integrate the web application with MicroStrategy Identity, the Desk.com™ login page displays a QR code.

The following steps contain only the information required to configure or use Desk.com with MicroStrategy Identity. The information provided is subject to change. See the appropriate third-party documentation for the latest information.

You have administrative privileges for Desk.com Business Plus or Salesforce Service and you can access the administration dashboard.

You must create a custom domain name for your organization, such as https://example.my.desk.com. For steps to create a custom domain name, see your third-party Desk.com documentation.

To log in to Desk.com with MicroStrategy Identity, the email address associated with each user's Desk.com account must match the email address associated with their MicroStrategy Badge.

To display a custom image on your Desk.com login page, you must create the image to display. Supported image formats are .png, .jpeg, and .jpg files.

To Integrate Desk.com with MicroStrategy Identity

  1. Log into MicroStrategy Identity Manager.
  2. Click Logical Gateways.
  3. Under Web Application, click More, then click Desk.com.
  4. You can change the image that is displayed on your Desk.com login page. Next to image preview, click Import An Icon. Select an image to display, then click Open.
  5. In the Enter Display Name field, type a name to display on your Desk.com login page. The name can be up to 30 characters long.
  6. In the Desk.com Domain URL field, type your full Desk.com domain URL.
  7. Download the MicroStrategy Identity provider metadata file. The metadata includes a configuration .xml file that Desk.com uses to automatically configure the settings for connecting to MicroStrategy Identity. The metadata also contains the Identity security certificate for your Desk.com site. Note the location on your computer where the metadata .xml file is saved.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Assertion Consumer Service URL field, type your assertion consumer service URL. Refer to your Desk.com documentation for further information on where to find your assertion consumer service URL.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Provide the metadata .xml file to your Desk.com Technical Support representative.
  12. In MicroStrategy Identity Manager, click Done.

Related Topics

Signing in to MicroStrategy Identity-Enabled Web Applications from a Centralized Website

Categorizing MicroStrategy Badge Resources

Logical Gateways