MicroStrategy ONE

Registering a local ArcGIS Server

MicroStrategy maintains a list of ESRI servers that can be accessed by the client browser. Both the ESRI configuration file and the ESRI proxy file contain the list of ESRI registered servers.

  • If your server is already in the list, you do not need to modify anything.

  • If your server is not in the list, you need to add your local ArcGIS Server to the ESRI configuration file and to the ESRI proxy file.

  • If you plan to view the ESRI Map visualization in Flash mode, you need to modify the cross-domain policy file on the ArcGIS Server to allow the Flash visualization to access ESRI data on the ArcGIS Server. This is required by the Adobe Flash Player framework. Refer to the Adobe web site for details.

To add a local ESRI server to the ESRI configuration file:

  1. In your plug-in, open mapConfig.xml.

  2. Add the URL of the local ArcGIS Server as the value of the <bm> tag, as shown in bold in the code below. Use multiple <bm> tags if you need to add more than one server. Set the value of the default attribute to "false" in the <webmap> node for out-of-the-box cloud-based MicroStrategy ESRI map.

        <bm key="default">http://myserver.mycompany.com/ArcGIS/rest/services</bm>
        <webmap id="5fac74d8e7924e169afdc01105235324" default="false" />
  3. Save your changes and restart the Web server.

To add a local ESRI server to ESRI proxy file:

  1. Copy the proxy configuration file for your environment and save it in your plug-in.

    • J2EE environment
      In your plug-in, create a jsp folder. In the MicroStrategy Web installation directory, under the jsp folder, copy esriproxy.config, proxy.config, and proxy.xsd. Paste the files under the jsp folder you just created in your plug-in.

    • .NET environment
      In your plug-in, create an asp folder. In the MicroStrategy Web installation directory, under the asp folder, copy esriproxy.config, proxy.config, and proxy.xsd. Paste the files under the jsp folder you just created in your plug-in.

  2. Make the changes described below to the proxy configuration file in your plug-in.

    • J2EE environment
      In the MicroStrategy Web installation directory, open WEB-INF/xml/proxy.xml, add the URLs to the maps you want to use a proxy for, and save your changes. In the <serverUrls> node, add <serverUrl> nodes, list all the URLs to the maps you want to use a proxy for, and save your changes.

          <serverUrl url="services.arcgisonline.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="www.arcgis.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="myserver.mycompany.com" matchAll="true"
    • .NET environment

      In your plug-in, open the proxy.config file. In the <serverUrls> node, add <serverUrl> nodes, list all the URLs to the maps you want to use a proxy for, and save your changes.

          <serverUrl url="services.arcgisonline.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="www.arcgis.com" matchAll="true" />
          <serverUrl url="myserver.mycompany.com" matchAll="true"
  3. Save the changes you made to the proxy.xml or proxy.config file.

  4. In your plug-in, open the mapConfig.xml file.

  5. In the ESRI configuration file, under the <bm> node, add a proxyURL attribute. This tells the application to use a proxy for this base map. In the <ec> node, add <urlPrefix> nodes to list all the URLs to the maps you want to use a proxy for.

        <bm key="default" proxyURL="../plugins/ConnectorForESRI/asp/esriproxy.ashx">
          <urlPrefix id="21">myserver.mycompany.com</urlPrefix>
          <urlPrefix id="22">the URLs to the maps you want to use a proxy for</urlPrefix>
          <urlPrefix id="23">services.arcgis.com</urlPrefix>
  6. Save your changes and restart the Web server.