MicroStrategy ONE

Using an ESRI Shapefile

Download the ESRI Map visualization plug-in provided for you and follow the steps below.

  1. Copy the Shapefile to the plug-in folder

    An ESRI shapefile contains three types of files: .dbf, .shp, and .shx. The names of all three files must be the same. Copy all three files to the shp folder in the plug-in folder—plugins/ConnectorForMap/shp.

  2. Modify the geo shape configuration file so the ESRI Map visualization can use your Shapefile

    Navigate to mstrGeoShapesConfig.xml, located under xml/config in your plug-in folder, and open it in a text editor. Do the following:

    • Add a child <layer> element to the <layers> element.
    • Set the value of the ml attribute of the <layer> element to be the relative path of the corresponding .shp file.
    • Add a child <shape> element to the <shapes> element.
    • Set the value of the shapeKey attribute of the <shape> element to be the field name that will be used to match the shapes with the data.
    • Set the value of the shapeCat attribute to a unique integer value to identify your custom shape.

    The code in the modified file should look like the code shown below.

        <layer id="1000" title="US States SHP File" ml="shp/us_states.shp">
        <shape id="905"
            desc="CUS States SHP File"

    Since a feature in the sample US states ESRI Shapefile has the following fields:

        "STATEFP": "06",
        "STATENS": "01779778",
        "AFFGEOID": "0400000US06",
        "GEOID": "06",
        "STUSPS": "CA",
        "NAME": "California",
        "LSAD": "00",
        "ALAND": 403483823181,
        "AWATER": 20483271881 

    We need to use the NAME field to match the shapes with the data. To do this, we set the value of the shapeKey attribute to be NAME in the <shape> element, as we did above.

  3. Confirm that you can use the custom shapes

    • Restart MicroStrategy Web.
    • Use the ESRI Map visualization in a VI dashboard and select Area Map as the Map Type on the Properties panel.
    • Expand the Boundaries drop-down in the ESRI Properties panel. Make sure that it includes the description for your custom shapes as an option.
    • Choose the option for your custom shapes. The Map visualization reads the .shp file specified in the ml attribute of the <layer> node in mstrGeoShapesConfig.xml, and renders the appropriate custom shapes.