MicroStrategy ONE

Custom Group Expressions

A custom group is an object that can be placed on a template and is made up of a collection of elements called custom group elements. A custom group can group attribute elements in a way that is not defined in the data warehouse. You can create relationships between the attribute and the custom group. A custom group expression defines how the elements in the custom group are calculated.

A custom group can organize attribute elements through:

  • Attribute qualification
  • Set qualification
  • A report
  • A filter
  • Banding
  • Advanced qualification

For more information on custom groups, see Custom Groups and Consolidations in the MicroStrategy Advanced Reporting Guide.

When you define custom group elements through advanced qualification, you can use two types of functions:

  • Logical functions
  • Comparison functions

See the following examples.

Example 1: Subtraction ( - )

([Unit_Profit] - [Unit_Cost]) > 500

Example 2: And

([Units Sold] > 500) and ([Unit Profit] > 1000)

To Access the Custom Group Element Expressions

  1. In the MicroStrategy Developer File menu, point to New > Custom Group. The Custom Group Editor opens.
  2. Double-click Double-click here or drag an object from the object browser to add a custom group element.
  3. Enter a name for the new element and double-click Add Qualification.
  4. In the Custom Group Options pane, select Add an Advanced qualification and click OK.
  5. The Advanced Qualification pane opens. This is where the expression is built. The functions are accessed in one of the following ways:
  • Click (Insert Function) in the Definition pane. The Insert Function wizard opens.
  • Enter the function name and all required expression syntax directly in the Enter your formula here box.