MicroStrategy ONE

Options dialog box: General tab

From the General tab of the Options dialog box, you can set the default location of script and results files, and whether script execution is halted when an error occurs. You can also configure the Script History feature.

The General tab contains the following settings:

  • Script File Directory: default directory for storing scripts.
  • Results File Directory: default directory for storing script results.
  • Procedure File Directory: default directory for storing user-created procedures.
  • Results File Extension: file extension for script results files. The default is .rts.
  • Stop script execution on error: enable or disable automatic script interruption if an error occurs. If this option is not enabled, then Check the whole syntax first, then execute the script will be enabled.
  • Enable History: enable or disable the Script History feature.
  • Max History Count: maximum number of instruction sets to be stored in the Script History. This option is disabled if the Enable History check box is cleared.

Related Topics

Exporting the results of a script

Saving and loading a procedure

Script errors: Execution errors

Enabling or disabling Script History

Options dialog box

The main Command Manager window