MicroStrategy ONE

Connection instructions

When you start the Command Manager command line interface, it is console mode in a connection-less project source connection. To administer a project source or Narrowcast Server with Command Manager, you must first establish a connection with a metadata source. Use the following commands to connect to a project source or Narrowcast Server, or to manage your connection once it is established.


Lists the server (three-tier) project source names that are available on this machine.

CONNECTMSTR -nProjectSourceName-uUsername[-pPassword]

Opens a connection to a project source. You must specify the project source name (-n) and the user name (-u) you are connecting to it. You must also specify a password (-p) if the user name requires one. If any of the parameters contain spaces, those parameters must be enclosed in double quotes (").


Opens a connection-less project source connection. In this type of connection, you can execute scripts that do not require a connection to a project source. For information about connection-less connections, see Working without a connection to a server.


Disconnects from the current project source connection and enters a connection-less project source state. For information about connection-less connections, see Working without a connection to a server.


Lists the ODBC data source names that are available on this machine. A DSN is required to connect to a Narrowcast Server.

Typically, not all the DSNs on a machine point to Narrowcast Server metadata. This instruction lists all the available

CONNECTNCS -wDataSourceName[-uLogin] [-pPassword] [-dDatabase] [-sSystemPrefix]

Opens a connection to a Narrowcast Server. You must specify the DSN (-w). Depending on the DSN, you may also need to specify a login (-u), a password (-p), a database (-d), or a system prefix (-s). If any of the parameters contain spaces, those parameters must be enclosed in double quotes (").

CONNECTNCS -connlessncs

Opens a connection-less Narrowcast Server connection. In this type of connection, you can execute scripts that do not require a connection to a Narrowcast DSN. For information about connection-less connections, see Working without a connection to a server.


Disconnects from the current Narrowcast Server connection and enters a connection-less Narrowcast Server state. For information about connection-less connections, see Working without a connection to a server.


If the connection has been dropped, attempts to reconnect to the currently connected project source or Narrowcast Server.


Displays connection information for the current connection. This information consists of the metadata source type and name, login, location of the metadata source, version, and Command Manager activation status.


Exits the command-line interface.

Related Topics

Using the text-based Command Manager interface

Environment settings

Loading a script

Editing, saving, and executing a script