MicroStrategy ONE

Configure the data.world Connector

  1. To register authentication and set up OAuth credentials, send an email to help@data.world requesting registration. Include your redirect URI in the email.

    For example, https://\[HOST_NAME\]:\[PORT_NUMBER\] /CommunityConnectors/redirect.

    The HOST_NAME is the name of the machine you have the Community Connectors application installed on. The PORT_NUMBER is the port number of your Web server.

  2. Data.world sends your Client ID and Client Secret in separate emails.
  3. Return to the Setup page on MicroStrategy Web.
  4. Open the data.world setup and enter the Client ID and Client Secret.
  5. Enter the same Redirect URI you used to register the application.

  6. Click Save. Your connector is ready to be deployed. See Deploy Connectors to MicroStrategy Web.