MicroStrategy ONE

Configure Usage Telemetry Service

MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024) adds a Usage panel in Bot and dashboard editing modes. This panel is powered by APIs exposed through MicroStrategy REST via proxy to the new Telemetry service. This new Telemetry service is a new mode of the platform analytics consumer that directly exposes data from the platform_analytics_wh via API.

To configure the Telemetry service:

Client telemetry must be enabled before you configure usage telemetry. For more information, see Client Telemetry Configuration.

  1. In WEB-INFO/classes/config/configOverrides.properties, add the following settings:

    services.telemetry.baseURL = http://{IP Address}:8222
    features.telemetryService.supported = true
    • Where IP Address is the IP address where your Telemetry service is deployed.

  2. If you want to enable TLS communication between MicroStrategy REST and the Telemetry service, add the following:

    services.telemetry.tlsEnabled = true
  3. Ensure the identityToken.secretKey is set. This key is required for HMAC:

    identityToken.secretKey = elOY73zE8O4ANVrjpRiTe5UEKke8fA
  4. Set the following values in the PAConsumerConfig.yaml file in the PlatformAnalytics/conf folder to encrypt the secretKey using the platform analytics encryptor:

    1. In PlatformAnalytics/bin, call platform-analytics-encryptor.sh.

    2. Wait for the prompt “Please type the password below to generate the encrypted password for Platform Analytics:” and enter the secretKey.

    3. The encryptor outputs the encrypted secretKey.

    4. Copy and paste the new secretKey into the .yaml file:

          port: 8222
            secretKey: FBt4DsgJxSYc64IYFl4iH0Xb0GagteoW3dfzRRiPLmNic49w50iIA5+3yU51Gg==,0WWmc4ALH7jFx0MR
      #    ssl:
      #      enabled: true
      #      keyStoreType: PKCS12
      #      keyStore: classpath:keystore.p12 or file:/path/to/keystore.p12
      #      keyStorePassword: yourkeystorepassword
      #      keyAlias: yourKeyAlias
  5. Edit line 4 of platform-analytics-consumer.sh and replace platform-analytics-consumer with telemetry-service:
