MicroStrategy ONE

Reverse Migrations

This former preview feature, introduced in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 4, is out of the box starting in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 7.

You can reverse migrations using the undo package that is created automatically when a package is migrated. Reversal works only if the package has already been migrated.

When the Keep Both action is selected for one of the objects in the package, the undo package may not be created and the migration may be irreversible.

Only an Administrator should be able to reverse a migration. Non-Administrators should be able to request the reversal of a migration. See Assign Privileges to Use Migrations for more information.

This topic details the following workflows:

Non-Administrator Workflow

  1. Open the Workstation window.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Migrations.

  3. Select the package and in the Action column, choose Request Reverse. Once the Administrator migrates the packages, its status changes to Reversed.

Administrator Workflow

  1. Open the Workstation window.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Migrations.

  3. Select the package and in the Action column choose Reverse. You can reverse migrations with a status of Migrated or Pending Reverse.

  4. Click OK. If the reversal fails, hover over the Failed status to view a message regarding the failure.