MicroStrategy ONE

Configure HTTPS Connection Between Library Server and Modeling Service

To enable the HTTPS communication channel between Library server and the Modeling service, you must make configuration changes to both.

Modeling Service

Enable related configurations in the application.conf file, in the following locations:

  • Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\admin\
  • Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin/
  1. Enable the HTTPS port.

    https.port = <modeling_service_https_port_number>

  2. Configure the path to the keyStore, keyStore type, and password.

    play.server.https.keyStore.path = path/to/model.pfx
    play.server.https.keyStore.type = JKS
    play.server.https.keyStore.password = password
  3. Restart the Modeling service.
  4. Check the status of the Modeling service at https://localhost:<https_port>/model/application/health.

Library Server

Enable related configurations in the configOverride.properties file, in the following locations:

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.5.30\webapps\MicroStrategyLibrary\ WEB-INF\classes\config\configOverride.properties

Linux: <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/WEB-INF/classes/config/configOverride.properties

  1. Add relevant certificates into the trustStore.

    If the Modeling service is using a self-signed certificate, add the certificate into the trustStore for Library server. Refer to the trustStore.path property.

    If the Modeling service certificate is signed by a private root CA, add the private root certificate into the trustStore for Library server.

    If the trustStore for Library server is not set, configure the correct path and passphrase.

  2. Enable the TLS communication to the Modeling service.

    If the Modeling service is using a self-signed certificate or the certificate is signed by a private root CA, set it to true. If the certificate is signed by a public root CA, set to false.

    services.MicroStrategy-Modeling-Service.tlsEnabled = true

  3. Restart the Library server.