MicroStrategy ONE

Modeling Service Configuration Properties

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE Update 11, you can enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

Settings for the Modeling service can be changed by editing the application.conf, modelservice.conf and modelservice.ini files. All parameters are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly for changes to take effect.

The application.conf and modelservice.conf files can be found in:

Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\admin

Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin

Make your configuration changes to the configuration files under the admin folder. Do not change the files under the conf folder. All files under the conf folder are overwritten when you upgrade MicroStrategy.

The modelservice.ini can be found in:

Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\bin

Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/bin

The application.conf file includes the following properties:

Property Specifies

The communication port for HTTP. Set to disabled if you want to disable the HTTP communication channel for the Modeling service.

Default: 9500

Library Server HSTS Configuration  

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE Update 11, this property enables HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

Default: false

Library Server HTTPS Configuration

The communication port number for HTTPS.

Default: 10443


The path to the keystore containing the private key and certificate.

Default: NONE


The key store type.

Default: JKS


The password.

Default: NONE

The modelservice.conf file includes the following properties:

Property Specifies
Intelligence Server Timeout Configuration


Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024), you can set the timeout value of the request sent from the MicroStrategy Modeling service to the Intelligence server.

Default: 120000

Library Server Support Properties


To establish trusted communication between the Library server and Modeling service, the value should be the same as that of identityToken.secretKey in the Library server configuration file.

This trusted communication is required for configuring the connectivity between the Modeling service and the Library server.

Intelligence Server TLS/SSL Configuration

Set to true if Intelligence server is TLS enabled but with a private Root CA certificate or a self-signed certificate. In this case, a trustStore file and its passphrase must be provided. For Intelligence server that is TLS enabled with a public Root CA certificate, set to false.

Default: false


If Intelligence server is TLS enabled, but with a private Root CA certificate or a self-signed certificate, a trust store file is required.

Example: trustStore.path=/path/to/truststore.pfx

Default: NONE


The passphrase used in the construction of the Trust Store file.

Default: NONE

The modelservice.ini file includes the following properties:

Property Specifies

Memory Allocation


The configuration of the maximum memory allocation pool for Modeling service. See the following table for more information.


The configuration of the initial memory allocation pool for Modeling service.

Default: -Xms500M

See the following OS memory and default value for the MODELSERVICE_JAVA_MAX_MEMORY property:

OS Memory Default Value

2 GB


8 GB


16 GB -Xmx1G

32 GB


64 GB -Xmx2G

128 GB


356 GB -Xmx3G

512 GB


1024 GB -Xmx3G

2048 GB
