MicroStrategy ONE

How to Enable Seamless Login Between Web and Library

Enabling seamless login allows you to navigate between MicroStrategy Web and Library without having to re-authenticate regardless of your configured authentication mode. It uses an encrypted (secret) key to securely share the session among the applications.

For new installations of MicroStrategy ONE seamless login will be configured and active if the prerequisite components are installed on the same machine. Distributed environments and customers upgrading to version ONE need to configure the secret key by following the steps below.

Important Considerations

The following are some points to keep in mind while configuring seamless login between Web and Library.

  • For Web and Library configuration, use the same Intelligence Server.
  • For collaboration to work properly, use the same secret key in config.json.

Configure Web and Library Applications for Seamless Login

  1. Launch MicroStrategy Web.
  2. Go to Preferences.
  3. Under Project Defaults > MicroStrategy Library configuration, enter your Library URL.


  4. Click Apply.
  5. In your cloud environment's homepage, hover over MicroStrategy Web and click Configure.
  6. Click Security.
  7. Enter a new secret key into MicroStrategy Library configuration. A secret key must be a base64 formatted string with a minimum length of 88 characters.

    Keep the key for later.

  8. Click Save.
  9. In your cloud environment's homepage, hover over Library, and click Configure.
  10. In the Library Server tab, in the MicroStrategy Web > Link field, enter the MicroStrategy Web link.
  11. In the Security Settings > Secret Key field enter the secret key from step 7.

  12. Click Save.

Configure the Secret Key Between Web and Library

If the secret key is not available in the configOverride.properties file, you can add any phrase or passcode to the parameter to be used as the secret key. A secret key must be a base64 formatted string with a minimum length of 88 characters.

  1. Open the Library configOverride.properties with a text editor.
  2. Copy the token value from the identityToken.secretKey parameter.
  3. Open the Web Administration Page (<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategy/servlet/mstrWebAdmin).
  4. Select Security from the left-side navigation.
  5. Under MicroStrategy Library configuration, enter your secret key.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Restart your MicroStrategy Web server to apply the changes.

Configure Web and Library Applications for Seamless Login

  1. In MicroStrategy Web open Preferences > Project Defaults.
  2. Enter your MicroStrategy Library URL (<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategyLibrary) in the Link to MicroStrategy Library field.
  3. Open the Library Administration Control Panel (<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategyLibrary/admin).
  4. Open the Library Server tab.
  5. Enter your MicroStrategy Web URL into the Link field under MicroStrategy Web (<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategy/servlet/mstrWeb).
  6. Click Save.

Related Topics

KB485196: A seamless login error occurs when launching MicroStrategy Library from MicroStrategy Web