MicroStrategy ONE

Removing a Tenant Language from the System

A language cannot be removed from the system if it is being used by a project, that is, if it has been enabled to be supported for a project. To remove a tenant language from a project, that language must first be disabled from the project, as described in the steps below.

If a user has selected the language as a language preference, the preference will no longer be in effect once the language is disabled. The next lower priority language preference will take effect. To see the language preference priority hierarchy, see Configuring Metadata Object and Report Data Language Preferences.

To Remove a Tenant Language from the System

  1. Disable the tenant language from all projects in which it was enabled. To disable a metadata language from a project, see Enabling and Disabling Tenant Languages.
  2. For metadata languages, any names for the disabled language are not removed from the metadata with these steps. To remove names:
    • For individual objects: Objects that contain names for the disabled tenant language must be modified and saved. You can use the Search dialog box from the Tools menu in Developer to locate objects that have names for a given tenant. In the dialog box, on the International tab, click Help for details on setting up a search for these objects.
    • For the entire metadata: Duplicate the project after the tenant language has been removed, and do not include the renamed strings in the duplicated project.
  3. For objects that had the disabled language as their default language, the following scenarios occur. The scenarios assume the project defaults to Tenant A's language, and Tenant B's language is disabled for the project:
    • If the object's default language is Tenant B's language, and the object has names for both Tenant A and Tenant B, then, after Tenant B's language is disabled from the project, the object will only display Tenant A's names. The object's default language automatically changes to Tenant A's language.
    • If the object's default language is Tenant B's language and the object contains only Tenant B's names, then, after Tenant B's language is disabled from the project, Tenant B's names will be displayed but will be treated by the system as if they belong to Tenant A's language. The object's default language automatically changes to Tenant A's language.

      For both scenarios above: If you later re-enable Tenant B's language for the project, the object's default language automatically changes back to Tenant B's language as long as no changes were made and saved for the object while the object had Tenant A's language as its default language. If changes were made and saved to the object while it used Tenant A's language as its default language, and you want to return the object's default language back to Tenant B's language, you can do so manually: right-click the object, select Properties, select Internationalization on the left, and choose a new default language.