MicroStrategy ONE

Matching Equivalent SQL Strings

Sometimes reports in the base project and the target project include SQL that is functionally equivalent but slightly different. For example, reports in the base project might use a table prefix of TEST while reports in the target project use a table prefix of PROD. You want Integrity Manager to treat the table prefixes as identical for purposes of comparison, because reports that differ only in their table prefixes should be considered identical.

In this case, you can use the SQL Replacement feature to replace TEST with PREFIX in the base project, and PROD with PREFIX in the target project. Now, when Integrity Manager compares the report SQL, it treats all occurrences of TEST in the base and PROD in the target as PREFIX, so they are not considered to be differences.

The changes made by the SQL Replacement Table are not stored in the SQL files for each report. Rather, Integrity Manager stores those changes in memory when it executes the integrity test.

Access the SQL Replacement feature from the Advanced Options dialog box, on the Select Processing Options page of the Integrity Manager wizard.