MicroStrategy ONE

List of Tags in the Integrity Test File

When you save an integrity test, it is saved as an XML file, with an extension of .MTC. For instructions on saving or loading an integrity test, see Saving and Loading a Test.

If needed, you can edit the integrity test file with any XML editor or text editor, such as Notepad. The table below lists all the XML tags in an integrity test file, with an explanation of each tag.



General test information


Type of integrity test, as displayed in the ResultsSummary file:

Project versus Project Integrity Test

Baseline versus Project Integrity Test

Baseline versus Baseline Integrity Test

Single Project Integrity Test

This value is for display and localization purposes only.


Type of integrity test, as executed by Integrity Manager:

1: Project versus Project integrity test

2: Single Project integrity test

3: Baseline versus Project integrity test

4: Baseline versus Baseline integrity test


Version of Integrity Manager that created the test.


Whether this integrity test supports multiple logins:

true: This integrity test supports multiple logins.

false: This integrity test does not support multiple logins.


Which ConnectionIndex (0 or 1) indicates the base connection. The other ConnectionIndex is the target connection.

Base or Target connection information

Except in a single project integrity test, this section is repeated for both the base connection and the target connection.


0 or 1, depending on the value of Base_Connection_
and whether the information below is for the base or target connection.


Name or IP address of the Intelligence Server.


Port number of the Intelligence Server.


Login authentication mode corresponding to the Login tag below. If isMultiUser is set to true, there can be multiple Authentication_Mode and Login tag pairs.

1: Standard

2: Windows

16: LDAP

32: Database


Login ID corresponding to the Authentication_Mode tag above. If isMultiUser is set to true, there can be multiple Authentication_Mode and Login tag pairs.


Name of the project.


GUID of the project.


The version of Intelligence Server that hosts the project.


Whether to use load balancing across the cluster for this connection, that is, whether to execute the reports/documents across all nodes of the cluster or on a single node:

true: Use load balancing.

false: Do not use load balancing.


Whether this connection uses a baseline file:

true: This connection uses a baseline.

false: This connection uses a live Intelligence Server.


The full path to the baseline file, if baselineConnection is set to true.

Objects to be tested

This section must be repeated for each object included in the integrity test.


Type of object to be processed by Integrity Manager:

3: Report

8: Folder

18: Shortcut

39: Search object

55: Document


GUID of the object.


Name of the object.


Path to the object within the project.


(This entry is deprecated.)


Object type.

If Type is set to 3:

768: Grid view report

769: Graph view report

770: SQL view report

774: Grid/Graph view report

776: Intelligent Cube

778: Transaction

4096: Datamart report

If Type is set to 55:

14081: Document


Whether embedded search objects are processed by the integrity test:

true: Process embedded search objects.

false: Do not process embedded search objects.


Whether to match objects by ID or path name:

0: Match by ID.

1: Match by path name.


Whether object matching is used. This is only available for Project to Project tests:

true: Object matching is used. This allows you to select which object from the base project is compared to which object from the target project.

false: Object matching is not used.


Only displays if Use_Obj_Match is true. Inside the map is one or more Entry statements which each contain a Key/Value pair for a mapped object where:

Key is the GUID of the object in the base project

Value is the GUID of the object in the target project

Prompt settings


Custom answer for text prompts. To provide multiple custom answers for text prompts, include each answer in a separate textAnswer node.


Whether custom answers are provided for text prompts:

true: Custom answers are not provided for text prompts.

false: Custom answers are provided for text prompts.


Custom answer for numeric or Big Decimal prompts. To provide multiple custom answers for these prompts, include each answer in a separate numberAnswer node.


Whether custom answers are provided for numeric and Big Decimal prompts:

true: Custom answers are not provided for numeric and Big Decimal prompts.

false: Custom answers are provided for numeric and Big Decimal prompts.


Custom answer for date prompts. To provide multiple custom answers for date prompts, include each answer in a separate dateAnswer node.


Whether custom answers are provided for date prompts:

true: Custom answers are not provided for date prompts.

false: Custom answers are provided for date prompts.


Number of elements that Integrity Manager selects to answer element hierarchy prompts.


Whether a custom value is provided for the number of elements used to answer element hierarchy prompts:

true: A custom value is not provided for element hierarchy prompts.

false: A custom value is provided for element hierarchy prompts.


Whether optional prompts are answered in this integrity test:

true: Optional and required prompts are answered.

false: Only required prompts are answered.


The prompt answer sources to be used by this integrity test, in the order that they are to be used, separated by commas. Negative numbers indicate that this answer source is disabled.

All four prompt answer sources must be included in this parameter.

1: Personal answer

-1: Personal answer (disabled)

2: Default object answers

-2: Default object answers (disabled)

3: Integrity Manager user-defined answer

-3: Integrity Manager user-defined answer (disabled)

4: Integrity Manager internal answer

-4: Integrity Manager internal answer (disabled)


A prompt answer source to be used by this integrity test. If multiple prompt answer sources are specified, each must have its own PromptAnswerSource_VAL entry, in the order that they are to be used. Values include:

Personal answer
Default object answers
Integrity Manager user-defined answer
Integrity Manager internal answer


Whether to open reports with unanswered prompts in MicroStrategy Web:

true: Open reports with unanswered prompts.

false: Do not execute reports with unanswered prompts.


If isLinkPopup is set to true, the URL for the MicroStrategy Web server for the base project.


If isLinkPopup is set to true, the URL for the MicroStrategy Web server for the target project.


Whether to use only default personal prompt answers, or group personal prompt answers by their names:

USE_DEFAULT: Use only default personal prompt answers for each prompt.

GROUP_BY_NAME: Group personal prompt answers by their names.


If Personal_Answer_Option is set to USE_DEFAULT, this must be set to Use only default personal prompt answer for each prompt.

If Personal_Answer_Option is set to GROUP_BY_NAME, this must be set to Group personal prompt answers by their names.

Execution Settings


Maximum time, in minutes, that a report can run before Integrity Manager cancels it.


Maximum number of simultaneous report/document executions during the integrity test.


Whether to use the cached version of a report, if one is available:

true: Use the report cache.

false: Do not use the report cache; execute each report against the Intelligence Server.


Full path to the location where the integrity test results are saved.


Whether to store the test results in a subdirectory of the Output_Directory, named by date and time of the integrity test execution:

true: Store results in a time-stamped subdirectory of the specified directory.

false: Store results in the specified directory.


Enable or disable logging:

1: Logging is enabled.

-5: Logging is disabled.


Full path to the log file.

Processing options


Whether to enable data comparison for reports:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable SQL comparison for reports:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable graph comparison for reports:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable Excel comparison for reports:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable PDF comparison for reports:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable Excel comparison for documents:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable PDF comparison for documents:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to enable execution for documents:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Number of performance test cycles to run for each report.


Number of performance test cycles to run for each document.

SQL processing options


Whether to save the generated SQL to an HTML file with differences highlighted in red:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Text marking the beginning of any dynamic SQL.


Text marking the end of any dynamic SQL.


SQL to be replaced by the SQL indicated by the to tag.


SQL to replace the SQL indicated by the from tag.


Where to apply the SQL replacement:

1: Base only.

2: Target only.

3: Base and target.

Data processing options


Whether to save the data for each report as a CSV file:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.

Excel processing options

For all Excel processing options, if the option is left blank, the setting for that option is imported from the user's MicroStrategy Web export preferences, as per the Use Default option in the Integrity Manager Wizard.


Whether to save data for each report as an XLS file:

true: Enabled.

false: Disabled.


Whether to include the report title in the Excel chart:

0: Do not export the report title.

-1: Export the report title.


Whether to include which report objects are grouped in a page-by selection in the Excel chart:

0: Do not export the page-by information.

-1: Export the page-by information.


Whether to include the report filter details in the Excel chart:

true: Export the filter details.

false: Do not export the filter details.


Whether to remove the extra "Metrics" column from the Excel chart:

0: Remove the extra column.

1: Do not remove the extra column.

2: Use the default setting in the MicroStrategy Web preferences.


Whether to include all report objects in the Excel chart, or only the objects in the default page-by selection:

0: Export only the default page-by.

-1: Export all objects.


Excel version of the exported file:

1: Excel 2000.

2: Excel XP/2003.

4: Excel 2007 or newer.


Whether to export metric values as text or as numeric values:

true: Export metrics as text.

false: Export metrics as numeric values.


Whether to export data header values as text or as numeric values:

true: Export headers as text.

false: Export headers as numeric values.


Whether to export each page of the report to a separate sheet in the Excel file:

true: Export each page as a separate sheet.

false: Export the entire report on a single sheet.


Whether to export graphs in the report as live Excel graphs, or as static images:

true: Export graphs as live Excel graphs.

false: Export graphs as static images in the Results folder.


Whether images and graphs in the report can be accessed from the Excel spreadsheet without having to run MicroStrategy Web:

0: Images and graphs are not embedded in the spreadsheet, and cannot be accessed without running the report in MicroStrategy Web.

-1: Images and graphs are embedded in the spreadsheet.


Whether MicroStrategy Office can refresh reports after they have been exported to Excel:

true: Reports can be refreshed from Office.

false: Reports are static and cannot be refreshed from Office.

This information applies to the legacy MicroStrategy Office add-in, the add‑in for Microsoft Office applications which is no longer actively developed.

It was substituted with a new add‑in, MicroStrategy for Office, which supports Office 365 applications. The initial version does not yet have all the functionalities of the previous add‑in.

If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;

For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.


Text of the custom header added to the Excel spreadsheet.


The location of the custom header in the Excel export:

0: Display the custom header before other report headers.

1: Display the custom header after other report headers.

2: The custom header replaces any other report headers.


Text of the custom footer added to the Excel spreadsheet.

PDF processing options

For all PDF processing options, if the option is left blank or not listed in the MTC file, that option is processed using the default setting in Intelligence Server's PDF generation options.


Whether to adjust the font to fit the report to a certain percentage of the PDF page (ScalePercentage), or to fit a certain number of report pages on the page (ScalePagesWide and ScalePagesTall):

0: Use ScalePercentage.

1: Use ScalePagesWide and ScalePagesTall.


Percentage to scale the font if Scaling is set to 0.


Number of report pages per PDF page width, if Scaling is set to 1.


Number of report pages per PDF page height, if Scaling is set to 1.


Whether to print the report's grid and graph on the same page:

0: Print the grid and graph on separate PDF pages.

1: Print the grid and graph on the same PDF page.


Page orientation:

0: Portrait.

1: Landscape.


Whether to include a cover page:

0: Do not print a cover page.

1: Print a cover page.


What to include in the cover page, if PrintCoverDetails is set to 1:

0: Report filter details.

1: Report details.


The location of the cover page, if PrintCoverDetails is set to 1:

0: After the report.

1: Before the report.


Whether to include all report objects in the PDF, or only objects in the default page-by selection:

0: Export only the default page-by.

1: Export all objects.


Paper size of the PDF:

0: Letter (8.5"x11")

1: Legal (8.5"x14")

2: Executive (7.25"x10.5")

3: Folio (8.5"x13")

4: A3 (11.69"x16.54")

5: A4 (8.27"x11.69")

6: A5 (5.83"x8.27")


Left margin, in inches.


Right margin, in inches.


Top margin, in inches.


Bottom margin, in inches.


Maximum header size, in inches.


Maximum footer size, in inches.


Whether to use bitmaps for graphs:

10: Use bitmaps for graphs.

11: Do not use bitmaps for graphs.


Whether to use draft quality bitmaps for graphs, if GraphFormat is set to 11:

96: Use draft quality bitmaps.

288: Use fine quality bitmaps.


Whether to embed fonts in the PDF:

0: Do not embed fonts.

1: Embed fonts.


Left page header.


Center page header.


Right page header.


Left page footer.


Center page footer.


Right page footer.


Report header.

Performance processing options


Whether to include in the performance test the execution times from reports/documents that do not complete execution:

true: Include the execution times from all reports/documents.

false: Include only the execution times from reports/documents that execute successfully.