MicroStrategy ONE

Managing MicroStrategy Services from Command Line Using Server Control Utility

MicroStrategy Server Control Utility (mstrctl) enables you to create and manage Intelligence Server server instances from the command line. A server instance is an Intelligence Server that is using a particular server definition. For more information about server definitions, see Processing Your Data: Intelligence Server.

Server Control Utility can also be used to start, stop, and restart other MicroStrategy services—such as the Listener, Distribution Manager, Execution Engine, or Enterprise Manager Data Loader services—and to view and set configuration information for those services.

The following table lists the commands that you can perform with the Server Control Utility. The syntax for using the Server Control Utility commands is:

mstrctl -m machinename [-l login] -s servicename command [instancename] [(> | <) filename.xml]


  • machinename is the name of the machine hosting the server instance or service. If this parameter is omitted, the service is assumed to be hosted on the local machine.
  • login is the login for the machine hosting the server instance or service, and is required if you are not logged into that machine. You are prompted for a password.
  • servicename is the name of the service, such as IntelligenceServer or EMService.

    To retrieve a list of services on a machine, use the command mstrctl -m machinename ls.

  • command is one of the commands from the list below.
  • instancename is the name of a server instance, where required. If a name is not specified, the command uses the default instance name.
  • filename is the name of the file to read from or write to.

If you want to. . .

Then use this command. . .

Get information about the Server Control Utility

List all commands for the Server Control Utility.

This command does not require a machine name, login, or service name.



Display the version number of the Server Control Utility.

This command does not require a machine name, login, or service name.



Get information about the MicroStrategy network

List machines that the Server Control Utility can see and affect.

This command does not require a machine name, login, or service name.



List the MicroStrategy services available on a machine.

This command does not require a service name.



List the ODBC DSNs available on a machine.

This command does not require a service name.



Configure a service

Display the configuration information for a service, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to save the configuration properties to.

gsvc instancename [> filename.xml]

get-service-configuration instancename [> filename.xml]

Specify the configuration information for a service, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to read the configuration properties from.

ssvc instancename [< filename.xml]

set-service-configuration instancename [< filename.xml]

Configure a server

Display the configuration properties of a server, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to save the configuration properties to.

gsc [> filename.xml]


Specify the configuration properties of a server, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to read the configuration properties from.

ssc [< filename.xml]


Configure a server instance

Display the configuration information for a server instance, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to save the configuration properties to.

gsic instancename [> filename.xml]

get-server-instance-configuration instancename [> filename.xml]

Specify the configuration information for a server instance, in XML format. For more information, see Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input.

You can optionally specify a file to read the configuration properties from.

ssic instancename

set-server-instance-configuration instancename [< filename.xml]

Manage server instances

Display the default instance for a service.



Set an instance of a service as the default instance.

sdi instancename

set-default-instance instancename

Create a new server instance.

ci instancename

create-instance instancename

Create a copy of a server instance. Specify the name for the new instance as newinstancename.

cpi instancename newinstancename

copy-instance instancename newinstancename

Delete a server instance.

di instancename

delete-instance instancename

Register a server instance as a service.

rs instancename

register-service instancename

Unregister a registered server instance as a service.

us instancename

unregister-service instancename

Display the license information for a service instance.

gl instancename

get-license instancename

Display the status information for a server instance

gs instancename

get-status instancename

Start or stop a server instance

Start a server instance as a service.

start --service instancename

Start a server instance as an application. For more information, see Running Intelligence Server as an Application or a Service.

start --interactive instancename

Stop a server instance that has been started as a service.

stop instancename

Pause a server instance that has been started as a. service

pause instancename

Resume a server instance that has been started as a service and paused.

resume instancename

Terminate a server instance that has been started as a service.

term instancename

terminate instancename

Using Files to Store Output and Provide Input

Certain Server Control Utility commands involve XML definitions. The commands to display a server configuration, a service configuration, and a server instance configuration all output an XML definition. The commands to modify a server configuration, a service configuration, and a server instance configuration all require an XML definition as input.

It is difficult and time consuming to type a complete server, service, or server instance configuration from the command line. An easier way to configure them is to output the current configuration to a file, modify the file with a text editor, and then use the file as input to a command to modify the configuration.

Configuring Intelligence Server with XML files requires extensive knowledge of the various parameters and values used to define Intelligence Server configurations. Providing an incorrect XML definition to configure Intelligence Server can cause errors and unexpected functionality.

For example, the following command saves the default server instance configuration to an XML file:

mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer gsic > filename.xml

The server instance configuration is saved in the file filename.xml, in the current directory.

The following command modifies the default server instance configuration by reading input from an XML file:

mstrctl -s IntelligenceServer ssic < filename.xml

The XML definition in ServerInstance.xml is used to define the server instance configuration.