MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring OpenSSL to Use your Private Key and Root Certificate

To start creating certificates for the MicroStrategy applications in your development environment, you must configure OpenSSL to use your CA's private key and root certificate to sign certificate requests. For information on creating certificate requests for applications, see Generating an SSL Certificate Signing Request.

This procedure assumes that you have completed the following steps:

To Configure OpenSSL to Use your CA's Root Certificate

  1. Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to open the copy of the OpenSSL configuration file in your CA's root directory. For example, openssl.dev.cnf.
  2. Scroll to the CA_default section, and edit the following values:
    • dir: Change this value to the root folder that you created for your CA. For example, /etc/pki/tsl/devCA.
    • certificate: Change this value to $dir/certs/devCA.crt, where devCA.crt is the root certificate that you created for your CA.
    • private_key: Change this value to $dir/private/devCA.key, where devCA.key is the private key that you created for your CA.
  3. Save the file.