MicroStrategy ONE

Variables tab, Variables sub-tab

The Variables sub-tab describes the variables specified by the PMML Model. It can have some of the following information:




Identifier for the variable. This has no effect on model behavior.


The name of the variable.

Display Name

The name used when displaying the variable.

Op Type

Indicates what type of operations can be performed on this variable:

  • Categorical values can only be tested for equality. A variable with this Op Type is displayed with the Category icon.

  • Ordinal values, in addition to being tested for equality, have an order defined. A variable with this Op Type is displayed with the Ordinal icon.

  • Continuous values support arithmetic operators. A variable with this Op Type is displayed with the Numeric icon.

Data Type

Indicates the type of data represented by the variable, such as numeric (for example, integer, double), string, date, and so on.

Usage Type

Indicates how the variable is used in the model:

  • Active is used for independent variables, which are usually inputs to the model. A variable with this Usage Type is displayed with the Input icon.

  • Predicted is used for the dependent variable, which is usually the target of the model. A variable with this Usage Type is displayed with the Target icon.

  • Supplementary means the variable is not used in the calculation of model. A variable with this Usage Type is displayed with the Extra icon.

  • Group means the variable is used to group records. For example, grouping items in a transaction. A variable with this Usage Type is displayed with the Group icon.

  • Order means the variable defines the sequence of records. A variable with this Usage Type is displayed with the Order icon.


Indicates the importance of the given independent variable in predicting the dependent variable. The importance is described as a scale of 0 to 1 where 1 is the most important.

The calculation depends on the type of model. For additional information on how Importance of a variable is determined, see Determining the importance of a variable.


Indicates whether the variable is cyclical.

Valid Values

A list of valid values for the variable. This list is mutually exclusive from the list of Intervals.

Invalid Values

A list of invalid values for the variable.

Missing Values

A list of values which are explicitly defined as missing.


The continuous range of values for the variable. This list is mutually exclusive from the list of Valid Values.


Indicates the order of variables as they are passed into the function that implements the data mining algorithm.


A list of values which are explicitly defined as outliers.

Low Value

Lower boundary for outliers. When a value is less than this value and Outlier Value Treatment is asExtremeValues, this value is used instead.

High Value

Upper boundary for outliers. When a value is greater than this value and Outlier Value Treatment is asExtremeValues, this value is used instead.