MicroStrategy ONE

Simulation tab, Performance sub-tab

The Performance tab displays performance information about the most recent simulation. The upper part of this tab focuses on statistics on the time (in microseconds) it took to score each record, including the Total, Average, Minimum, Maximum and % of Total values for:

  • Engine Setup Time: The time required to pass the input variables into the MicroStrategy scoring engine for each result scored.

  • Engine Scoring Time: The time required for the Scoring Engine to generate each result.

  • Engine Overall Time: The sum of the Engine Setup and Scoring Time.

It is typical that the vast majority of Engine Scoring time is spent passing in values, versus scoring the results.

The lower part of the Summary table includes statistics about the overall simulation run, including:

  • Model Load Time (µs): The time required to load the PMML into the Scoring Engine.

  • Records Scored: The total number of records scored during the simulation run.

  • Engine Records/Second: The average number of records per second scored by the Scoring Engine during the simulation run.

  • App. Elapsed Time (µs): The approximate total time required for the simulation to complete the scoring run (not including rendering the graph).

  • App. Records/Second: The average number of records per second scored by the Predictive Model Viewer during the simulation run.

The overhead of the Predictive Model Viewer's execution of the simulation is evident by the reduced Records/Second of the application as compared to the Records/Second of the Scoring Engine. These two numbers can give the user a feeling for the time required to actually score the model and the overhead typically encountered by the application doing the scoring.