MicroStrategy ONE
Developer window toolbar options
The most frequently used menu options are replicated on the toolbar, where they are accessible by means of icons.
Create a new object allows you to select an object type from the associated drop-down menu, and then create the object by definition. See the Developer toolbar List of Objects for a list of MicroStrategy objects.
Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete are Windows standard operations.
Rename an Object saves an existing object under a different name, either in the same directory or in a different one.
View Object Properties shows the properties of the selected object.
Search for Objects (within a project) allows you to search for objects by:
Name and location
Date of creation or revision
Objects that contain it
Objects it contains
Edit the object selected allows you to modify the definition of an existing object by using the dialog box associated with the creation of that object.
Run the report allows you to run a report selected by clicking the associated icon.
Show / hide the folder list allows you to choose to either display or hide the folder list for a project.
- The first time you log on to the MicroStrategy Developer interface, the Folder List window is hidden. The system displays the Folder List contents when you click the Show or hide the folder list icon.
- When you click an item in the Folder List window, the system displays the Object Viewer window, showing the objects that the folder contains.
Refresh the object allows update of the contents of a folder selected.
Go to project returns you to the root folder of a project selected.