MicroStrategy ONE

Custom Group Editor

The Custom Group Editor enables you to create and modify custom groups. A custom group is made up of an ordered collection of components called custom group elements. Each element contains a set of filtering or banding qualifications. Qualifications are the actual conditions that must be met for data to be included in the custom group element. Examples include "Region = Northeast" or "Revenue > $1 million". Qualifications in custom groups are the same as qualifications in filters, with the exception of banding qualifications, which are available in custom groups only.

Since a custom group essentially allows you to define a filter for each row of a report, the Custom Group Editor and the Filter Editor have similar interfaces.

Before you begin using the Custom Group Editor, you should know:

  • The location of the objects within your project

  • The parts of a custom group, that is, the elements and the headers

Custom Group Editor contents

The Custom Group Editor contains the following:

  • The Custom Group Definition pane allows you to create custom group qualifications, which are the actual conditions of the filter. You can create simple qualifications by dragging and dropping objects such as attributes, metrics, filters, and so on, from the Object Browser into the Custom group definition pane.

  • The Object Browser allows you to navigate through the project to locate the objects to define the qualifications. It is located on the left side of the editor.

  • TheShortcut Bar is an optional display that contains shortcut icons to commonly used folders such as My Personal Objects, Public Objects, and Attributes in the default group displayed as My Shortcuts. You can also customize the Shortcut Bar by adding, renaming, and deleting groups and folders.

    The Shortcut Bar cannot be displayed unless the Object Browser is shown.

  • The menu bar provides functions specific to the Custom Group Editor as well as standard Windows options.

  • The toolbar provides quick access to standard Windows functions and other functions specific to the Custom Group Editor.

For more information, see Creating custom groups.

Accessing the Custom Group Editor

To create a new custom group

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, log in to a project.

  2. From the File menu, point to New, and then choose Custom Group. The Custom Group Editor opens.

  3. If you are using Object Templates, the New Custom Group dialog box is displayed before the Custom Group Editor opens. For more information on object templates, see The purpose of an object template.

    • Click the Empty Custom Group icon.

    • If you do not want this dialog box to be shown again, select Don't show this dialog in the future.

    • Click OK.

To modify an existing custom group

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, navigate through the Folder List to locate the custom group to modify.

  2. Select the custom group by double-clicking its name or icon. The custom group opens in the Custom Group Editor.

Related Topics

Accessing interfaces

Creating and modifying custom groups

Creating custom group qualifications

Formatting and modifying custom group components