MicroStrategy ONE

Prompt Generation Wizard: Select Objects dialog box

Use this dialog box to choose the objects for a predefined list in a prompt. This list can contain:

  • Hierarchies for a "Choose from All Attributes in a Hierarchy" prompt

  • Attributes for a "Qualify on an Attribute" prompt

  • Attribute elements for a "Choose from an attribute element list" prompt

  • Metrics for a "Qualify on a Metric" prompt

  • Objects for an object prompt

  • Objects for a level prompt

Select the object(s) from the Available objects list and click > to move them to the Selected objects list. To select multiple objects, press the CTRL key or the Shift key while selecting the objects.

When the number of objects in a folder exceeds 1000, the objects are displayed as a group of 1000 objects at a time. Click Next 1000 to view the next thousand objects, or click Previous 1000 to view the previous 1000 objects in the list.

The Find box lets you search for an object in the current list of objects. You can search for objects:

  • Beginning with specific letters, by typing those letters. For example, to find regions beginning with north, type southin theFindbox and click the filter button. South, Southeast, and Southwest are displayed.

  • Ending with specific letters, by typing an asterisk (*) and those letters. For example, to find regions ending with west, type west in the Find box and click the filter button. Northwest and Southwest are displayed.

  • With a specific name, by typing the name in quotes (" "). For example, to find the South region, type "South" in the Find box and click the filter button. South is displayed, but not Southeast or Southwest.

  • Beginning with specific letters and ending with specific letters, by typing the first letters, then an asterisk (*), then the last letters. For example, to find regions beginning with S and ending with th, type s*th in the Find box and click the filter button. South is displayed.

  • Containing specific letters, by typing the characters separated by the percent sign (%). For example, to find regions that contain both S and th, type s%th in the Find box and click the filter button. South, Southeast, and Southwest are displayed.

Click OK to save the object list and return to the Prompt Generation Wizard.

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