MicroStrategy ONE

Link to a non-prompted report

Before you begin

This is an example of creating manual link URLs to link reports and documents. A link is a connection in a document to another document, a report, or a web page. A link lets an analyst execute another document or report (the target) from a document (the source), and to pass parameters to answer any prompts that are in the target. For basic information on link URLs created manually, see Creating link URLs manually; for an introduction to this example, including prerequisites, see Examples of link URLs created manually.

The simplest document link executes a non-prompted report or document. The dataset of the source document is a copy of Revenue vs. Forecast with all prompts removed. The dataset displays the revenue and forecasted revenue by region and includes a link to the dataset report, which further breaks down the values by category and quarter.

The source document in MicroStrategy Web displays as shown in the following sample:

Source document: Region, Revenue Forecast, Revenue, and link to target report

When the link at the bottom is clicked, the Revenue vs. Forecast (no prompts) report is executed. The following sample does not show the complete report; it only displays one quarter of the data and the totals, allowing you to see that the totals agree. Both the document and the report are run for all regions, all categories, and all quarters.

Target report: Region, Category, Q2 03 Revenue & Forecast, totals

Although the source document links to its own dataset report, this does not have to be the case—you can drill to any report, document, or HTML document.

Before creating the document, you must create the dataset report and note its report ID, as described in the Prerequisites procedure that follows.

Prerequisite: To create the dataset report

  1. Copy the Revenue vs. Forecast (subtotals) report that you created in Prerequisite: To set up the Revenue vs. Forecast (subtotals) report. Rename the copy Revenue vs. Forecast (not prompted).

  2. Open Revenue vs. Forecast (not prompted) in the Report Editor.

  3. Delete the three qualifications in the report filter. This removes the prompts from the report.

  4. Save and close the report.

  5. In MicroStrategy Developer, right-click the report and select Properties.

  6. Double-click the ID (the numbers, not the title) and press CTRL+C. This saves the report ID so that you can use it in the link.

To create the source document

  1. Create a new document, using Revenue vs. Forecast (not prompted) as the dataset report.

  2. Group the document by Region.

  3. Add static text fields for Region, Revenue Forecast, and Forecast to the Document Header.

  4. Drag and drop Region, Revenue Forecast, and Revenue from the Datasets pane to the Region Header.

    Placing the data fields on the Region Header aggregates the data at the region level, rather than at the level of the dataset report, which is Region/Category/Subcategory/Quarter.

  5. Format and align the controls as you want.

  6. Save the document as Example 1: Document Drilling.

To create a link to a non-prompted report

  1. In the Document Footer, add the following static text field:

    Click here for a breakdown by region, category, and quarter.

  2. Right-click the control created in step 1 and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. On the General tab, select the Is hyperlink check box.

  4. Type the following in the Hyperlink box:


  5. Press CTRL+V to paste the report ID that you copied previously.

  6. Click OK.

    While all these procedures use the Properties dialog box for continuity, you can use the Property List to create the link instead.

  7. Save and close the document.

To view the document, run it in MicroStrategy Web. To drill to the report, click the link at the bottom of the document.

If the same target document called a prompted report instead, you would have to answer the prompts before the report is executed. You can pass prompt answers in the link. The next example (see Link to a prompted report using the message ID) uses a prompted document as the source document and passes those prompts in the link to a prompted report.

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