MicroStrategy ONE

How to Save a Derived Element

Once you have created derived elements, you can save them as a stand-alone derived element group for use in other reports and documents. When you modify a stand-alone derived element in a report or document, you have the option of applying the changes to the stand-alone object (which affects all the reports and documents that the derived element is used in) or to the open report or document only. For steps, see To Modify a Derived Element in a Report or Document.

For an overview of derived elements, see Derived Elements Editor. For a more detailed introduction to derived elements, with examples and images, see the Derived Elements chapter in the In-memory Analytics Help.

To Save Derived Elements

  1. Click the name of the report or open the document in Editable Mode.
  2. Right-click the header of the attribute used to create the derived elements, then select Derived Elements.
  3. Click the Save As icon Save As.
  4. Browse to the folder to save the derived elements in. To save the derived elements in a new folder, click the Create New Folder icon Create New Folder icon.
  5. Type a name and description for the derived elements in the Name and Description fields, then click OK.
  6. Click OK.

If you attempt to save the derived elements with the same name and location as an existing derived element group, a message warns you that you are attempting to overwrite an existing object. You are returned to the Save As dialog box to give the derived element group a new name or location.

Related Topics

Derived Elements Editor