MicroStrategy ONE
Command Line Syntax
The command line options for executing integrity tests are included in the following table.
If the project source name, the input file name, or any of the output file names contain a space in the name or path, you must enclose that name in double quotes.
Effect |
Parameters |
Integrity test file path and name. |
-fFileName |
Base system password. For instructions on how to specify multiple passwords, or passwords using special characters, see Password syntax. |
-bBasePassword |
Target system password. For instructions on how to specify multiple passwords, or passwords using special characters, see Password syntax. |
-tTargetPassword |
The following parameters modify the execution of the test. They do not modify the .mtc test file. |
Output directory. This directory must exist before the text can be executed. |
-oOutputDirectory |
Log file path and name. |
-logfileLogfileName |
Base server name. |
-bserverBaseServer |
Target server name. |
-tserverTargetServer |
Base server port number. |
-bportBasePort |
Target server port number. |
-tportTargetPort |
Base project. |
-bprojectBaseProject |
Target project. |
-tprojectTargetProject |
Login for base project. For multiple logins, enclose all logins in double quotes (") and separate each login with a comma (,). |
-bloginBaseLogin -blogin "BaseLogin1, ..,BaseLoginN" |
Login for target project. For multiple logins, enclose all logins in double quotes (") and separate each login with a comma (,). |
-tloginTargetLogin -tlogin "TargetLogin1, ..,TargetLoginN" |
Base baseline file path and name. The GUIDs of objects to be tested in the baseline file must match any GUIDs specified in the .mtc file. |
-bbaselinefileBaseBaselineFile |
Target baseline file path and name. The GUIDs of objects to be tested in the baseline file must match any GUIDs specified in the .mtc file. |
-tbaselinefileTargetBaselineFile |
Whether to use load balancing in the base project, that is, whether to execute the reports/documents across all nodes of the cluster (True) or on a single node (False). Ifthis option is used, it overrides the setting in the integrity test file. |
-bloadbalance true -bloadbalance false |
Whether to use load balancing in the target project, that is, whether to execute the reports/documents across all nodes of the cluster (True) or on a single node (False). Ifthis option is used, it overrides the setting in the integrity test file. |
-tloadbalance true -tloadbalance false |
GUID of the test folder. If this option is used, the reports/documents specified in the integrity test file are ignored. Instead, Integrity Manager executes all reports and documents in the specified folder. This option can only be used with a single-project integrity test or a project-versus-project integrity test. |
-folderidFolderGUID |
Password Syntax
When specifying passwords with special characters, or specifying multiple passwords, use the following syntax:
- If a password contains a single quote (') or a comma (,) that character must be preceded by a single quote.
- If a password contains a double quote (") that character must be substituted by ".
- If a password contains an ampersand (&)
that character must be substituted by &.
For example, if the password is 12'&ABC"12,3 then the password must be specified as 12''3&ABC"12',3.
- If multiple logins are used, a password must be specified for each login. The entire list of passwords must be enclosed in double quotes (") and the passwords must be separated by a comma (,).
- If
multiple passwords are used and a user in the base project or target
project has an empty password, the position of that user's password
in the list of passwords is indicated by a space between commas.
For example, if the users for an integrity test are User1, User2, and User3, and User2 has an empty password, the list of passwords is "password1, ,password3"