MicroStrategy ONE

Manually Deploy Library on a Windows Server

Collaboration Server Setup

If MicroStrategy Library Web is going to utilize collaborating features, perform the following steps to manually configure the Collaboration Server.

  1. Browse to the Collaboration Server installation directory and open the config.json file.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server

  2. Edit the config.json file in the following format:

        "port": < Collaboration Server port number >,
        "dataSource": {
            "username": {POSTGRES_USERNAME},
            "password": {POSTGRES_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD},
            "port": {POSTGRES_PORT},
            "encryptionKeyFile": {ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}
        "authorizationServerUrl": "{PROTOCOL}://{LIBRARY_HOSTNAME}:{LIBRARY_PORT}/MicroStrategyLibrary/api"

    You may need to configure more settings in the config.json file. See Configuring Collaboration Server for more information.

  3. Restart Collaboration Server, and access {PROTOCOL}://{COLLAB_SERVER_HOSTNAME}:{COLLAB_SERVER_PORT}/status to verify.

Deploy Library Web App

The following steps assume Tomcat service has been started.

  1. Open <TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>\webapps, and paste the copied MicroStrategyLibrary.war file.
  2. Once the MicroStrategyLibrary folder is created, access Library Administration Control Panel:

    {PROTOCOL}://<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategyLibrary/admin with Tomcat administrator credentials.

  3. In the Library Server Panel, under Security Settings, create a 'secret key'.

  4. Configure Library Server, Intelligence Server, and Collaboration Server connections.
  5. Restart Tomcat service, and access {PROTOCOL}://<FQDN>:<port>/MicroStrategyLibrary to verify.