MicroStrategy ONE

Privileges in Library Web

Administrator can control the exposure of Library Web features with privileges.


Privilege Allows the user to... Behavior without privileges
Use Library Web

Enable users to access Library using mobile browsers and perform dashboard-related operations

The Use Mobile privilege allows users to connect to Library using mobile platforms.

User without the Use Library privilege will not be able to access Library Web. There will be Access Error.

User with the Use Library privilege can log in to Library Web, but they can only see documents or dashboards in the project they have privileges granted for.

If the user tries to directly execute a document or dashboard URL from a project without the Use Library privilege, there will be an Access Error.

Web run Dashboard Execute and display a dashboard User without the Web run Dashboard privilege cannot execute dashboards in Library Web.
Web run Document Execute and display a Report Services Document User without the Web Run Document privilege cannot execute documents in Library Web.
Web edit Dashboard

Edit a dashboard

If you do not have this permission, the Visualization Gallery, as well as the Datasets, Editor, Filter, and Format panels are not displayed.

User without the Web edit Dashboard privilege cannot edit a dashboard by navigating from Library Web to MicroStrategy Web.

Web Document design

Create a document page, access Design Mode for documents, and perform WYSIWYG editing of documents in Flash Mode

This privilege is required to define conditional formatting.

User without the Web Document design privilege cannot edit a document by navigating from Library Web to MicroStrategy Web.

Web drill and link

Use links to view related data not shown in the original report results

User without the Web drill and link privilege cannot drill in a document.

Web drill on Metrics Drill on metrics User without 'Drill on metrics' privilege cannot drill on metrics in a document.

Web sort

Sort report data by clicking on sort icons in column headings

User without 'Web sort' privilege will not be able to sort in a document.

Web set column widths

Modify the column widths and row height for a grid report

User without the Web sort privilege cannot change the column width and row height for a grid in a document.

Web use Locked Headers

Use the Lock Grid Headers feature

User without the Web use locked headers privilege cannot view grids with locked headers in a document.

Common Privileges

Privilege Allows the user to... Behavior without privileges
Export to PDF

Export a report or document to a PDF document

User without the Export to PDF privilege cannot export the dashboard or document to a PDF.

Export to MicroStrategy File

Export a dashboard or dataset from the server

User without the Export to .mstr File privilege cannot download a dashboard.

Export to text

Export a report or document to plain text

User without the Export to text privilege cannot export a visualization to a .CSV file.

Export to Excel

Export a report or document to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

User without the Export to Excel privilege cannot export a grid visualization to Excel.


Privilege Allows the user to... Behavior without privileges
Use collaboration services Access Collaboration Services

User without the Use Collaboration Service privilege cannot:

See the Notification menu icon or the total number of comments for a dashboard in library page.

See the Comment and Invite User menu icons in a dashboard.

Receive browser notifications.

Receive email notification.

Be mentioned or invited by other users from dashboards in all projects.


Privilege Allows the user to... Behavior without privileges
Execute transaction Edit the grids and fields in a Transaction Services report and submit the changed results to the report

User without the Execute transaction privilege will not be able to edit a transaction document and submit the changed results to the document.