MicroStrategy ONE

Default Linux Deployment

Default Product Folders

  • <INSTALL_PATH>/LibraryWebMobile
  • <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer
  • <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary

Default URLS

  • MicroStrategy Library Web application: http://<FQDN>:8080/MicroStrategyLibrary
  • MicroStrategy Collaboration server: http://<FQDN>:3000
    • View the status of Collaboration server: http://<FQDN>:3000/status

MicroStrategy Library Server Configuration Files

The MicroStrategy Library server reads configuration settings from the file configOverride.properties. It also provides default values for the configuration in the file configDefaults.properties. The file configDefaults.properties contains a key-value pair of configuration options. To specify a configuration option, the desired key can be copied from the configDefaults.properties and saved into configOverride.properties with a value. For default deployment, the two files are located in:

  • <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/WEB-INF/classes/config/configDefault.properties
  • <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/WEB-INF/classes/config/configOverride.properties

If MicroStrategy Library is installed separately from the Intelligence server, you need to manually configure the connection information by modifying the file configOverride.properties. These are also the minimum values which should be specified in configOverride.properties:

  • iserver.default.hostname= <host or IP address of Intelligence server>
  • iserver.default.port= <Intelligence server Port>

If the MicroStrategy Collaboration server is configured, and the configOverride.properties is being manually set, the following configuration properties need to be specified:

  • services.collaboration.enabled=true
  • services.collaboration.baseURL= <{PROTOCOL://HOSTNAME:PORT} The URL path to the Collaboration server>
  • identityToken.secretKey= <Secret Key phrase (spaces allowed) for Signing web token>

    The configDefaults.properties should never be altered because it may cause issues when migrating or upgrading an environment.

If the MicroStrategy Collaboration server is installed separately from the MicroStrategy Library, you need to manually configure the connection information by modifying configuration property file located in <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer/config.json.

The property needs to be specified: authorizationServerUrl: http://<FQDN>:<PORT>/MicroStrategyLibrary/api.

All parameters in the config.json file are case sensitive.

The communication port must be available for Collaboration server to be started.

The following diagram shows the default deployment:

The communication between components is HTTP, not HTTPS. This deployment is useful for initial testing in a lab environment, but not recommended for production. For a production environment, where security is a priority, it is recommended to implement a secure deployment.