MicroStrategy ONE

Manually Upgrade the Collaboration Server Schema

To leverage collaboration functions, the schema of the Collaboration server must be upgraded. The Collaboration server automatically checks and if necessary, upgrades the schema. However, the upgrade may fail if the following situations occur:

  • The account for the Collaboration Store in config.json does not have the appropriate privilege to modify table (e.g., Create table and Add column).
  • The connection between the Collaboration server and Collaboration Store is broken (e.g., the Collaboration Store service is stopped).

In the case the automatic upgrade fails, you can manually upgrade the schema.

  1. Click Start > Windows Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Stop the MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service.
  3. Ensure that the account for Collaboration Store in the config.json file under the C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server directory has the appropriate privileges to modify tables.
  4. Run the following command for the schema upgrade.

    • Enter the three file locations in the following format:


      For example:

      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server\node_modules\mstr-collab-svc\admintool.js" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server\config.json"

    • Use the upgrade command to run the schema upgrade:

      cmd> upgrade
    • Enter quit to close the Collaboration/Realtime Service.
  5. Start the MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service.
  1. Stop the MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service:

    ./collaborationServer.sh stop
  2. Ensure that the account for Collaboration Store in the config.json file under the /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer directory has the appropriate privileges to modify tables.
  3. Run the following command for the schema upgrade.

    • Enter the three file locations in the following format:


      For example:

      /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/NodeJS/bin/node /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/node_modules/mstr-collab-svc/admintool.js /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/config.json
    • Use the upgrade command to run the schema upgrade:

      cmd> upgrade
    • Enter quit to close the Collaboration/Realtime Service.
  4. Start the MicroStrategy Collaboration/Realtime Service:

    ./collaborationServer.sh start