MicroStrategy ONE

Unique Post-Installation Configurations

MicroStrategy supports many different Linux environments with various system configurations. There are a few cases in which you must perform some manual configurations to support the use of MicroStrategy on your system.

Create Links for Intelligence Server Startup in SUSE Linux

If you are installing Intelligence Server on a SUSE Linux environment, you must manually create links for some system files. If you do not create these links, Intelligence Server cannot start correctly.

You need root permissions to access the files and create the necessary links described in this section.

  1. In a console window, browse to the system folder usr/lib64.
  2. In a console window, create the link of libssl.so.4 to libssl.so.0.9.7 with the following command:

    ln libssl.so.0.9.7 libssl.so.4
  3. In a console window, create the link of libcrypto.so.4 to libcrypto.so.0.9.7 with the following command:

    ln libcrypto.so.0.9.7 libcrypto.so.4

Starting and Stopping Intelligence Server Kafka service

For Linux users, the Kafka Consumer will be installed and automatically running after installation or upgrade. You will find KafkaConsumner.sh, LogConsumer.properties, and KafkaConsumer.jar under <install_path>/IntelligenceServer/KafkaConsumer. You can use the following commands to control the Kafka Consumer logging activity:

  • Start service: <path_to>/KafkaConsumer.sh start
  • Stop service: <path_to>/KafkaConsumer.sh stop
  • Restart service: <path_to>/KafkaConsumer.sh restart
  • Check service status: <path_to>/KafkaConsumer.sh status

Starting and Stopping the PDF Exporter Service

For Linux users the PDF Exporter Service will not be started when OS is restarted. To start this service manually, run the pdfexporter.sh script found under the path install/IntelligenceServer/PDFExportService. Commands for this script include:

  • <path_to>/pdfexporter.sh start to start the PDF Exporter Service.
  • <path_to>/pdfexporter.sh stop to stop the PDF Exporter Service.
  • <path_to>/pdfexporter.sh restart to restart the PDF Exporter Service.
  • <path_to>/pdfexporter.sh status to check the status the PDF Exporter Service.

For other configuration settings, see Export Engine configuration.