MicroStrategy ONE
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R and R Package Installer for Linux
The MicroStrategy R and R Package installer is a standalone component to simplify the installation and configuration of R and the packages needed to use R in conjunction with MicroStrategy 2020 and later. You can download the R and R Package installer from the MicroStrategy download site.
- Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in CentOS
- Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in RHEL
- Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in SUSE
- Install R and R Package in GUI Mode
- Install R and R Package in Silent Mode
- Uninstall R and R Package
- R Packages Included in the Installation
Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in CentOS
The following prerequisites must be met to install R and R Package in CentOS:
- Run the installer as the root user.
- Enable public internet access.
- Use a gcc.c++ version of 4.6 or later and a gcc-gfortran version earlier than 5.
Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in RHEL
The following prerequisites must be met to install R and R Package in RHEL:
- Run the installer as the root user.
- Enable public internet access.
Register and enable the RHSM repository.
Register the machine with your Redhat user account that is subscribed to the RHSM service.
subscription-manager register --auto-attach.
Enable the optional repository.
subscription-manager repos -enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
Use a gcc.c++ version of 4.6 or later and a gcc-gfortran version earlier than 5.
Prerequisites for Installing R and R Package in SUSE
The following prerequisites must be met to install R and R Package in SUSE:
- Run the installer as the root user.
- Enable public internet access.
Register and enable the SLES repository.
Register the machine with your SUSE user account.
SUSEConnect -r <YourActivationCode> -e <YourEmailAddress>
Check the list of available SUSE extensions.
SUSEConnect -r <YourActivationCode> -p sle-sdk/15/x86_64.
- Use a gcc.c++ version of 4.6 or later and a gcc-gfortran version earlier than 5.
Install R and R Package in GUI Mode
- After completing installation of the MicroStrategy platform, download the standalone R and R Package installer from the MicroStrategy download site.
Navigate to the downloaded zip file.
cd Downloads/
Extract the contents of the file.
unzip <file-name> <destination>
Extract the installation file.
tar -xvf rpackage-linux-XXXX.tar.gz
All files are extracted to the
directory. -
Launch the R and R Package installer setup.
The R and R Package installer launches in GUI mode. Click Next.
Accept the license agreement and click Next.
The wizard displays different requirements for installation, depending your OS, as shown below. If you have met these requirements, click Install.
- Click Finish.
- If necessary, troubleshoot any issues using the log at
<user directory>/randrpackageinstaller.log
Install R and R Package in Silent Mode
- After completing installation of the MicroStrategy platform, download the standalone R and R Package installer from the MicroStrategy download site.
Navigate to the downloaded zip file.
cd Downloads/
Extract the contents of the file.
unzip <file-name> <destination>
- Extract the installation file.
- Update the
file in theRandRPackageInstaller
directory. - Launch the R and R Package installer in silent mode.
- If necessary, troubleshoot any issues using the log at
<user directory>/randrpackageinstaller.log
tar -xvf rpackage-linux-XXXX.tar.gz
All files are extracted to the RandRPackageInstaller
./randrpackageinstaller.sh -silent -options <path_to_options.txt_file>
Uninstall R and R Package
R and R Package is installed with packages as well as dependencies. When you uninstall R and R Package, you should only remove R and R Package components and avoid uninstalling R and R Package dependencies since they may be shared by other applications.
Use the following list of required components to uninstall R and R Package binaries.
Package Manager | Command | Reference |
YUM (Red Hat) | yum remove R-core R-core-devel R-java R-java-devel libRmath libRmath-devel
Zypper (SUSE) | zypper remove R-core R-core-devel R-core-libs R-core-doc
R Packages Included in the Installation
abind | fastmatch | Lahman | praise | slam |
acepack | filehash | lattice | proto | SnowballC |
ada | foreach | latticeExtra | proxy | sourcetools |
amap | forecast | lazyeval | psych | sp |
arules | foreign | lmtest | purrr | sparklyr |
assertthat | Formula | longmemo | quadprog | SparseM |
backports | fracdiff | lubridate | quanteda | spatial |
base64enc | fts | magrittr | quantreg | stringi |
BH | gapminder | manipulate | R6 | stringr |
bit | gbm | mapproj | randomForest | strucchange |
bit64 | gdtools | maps | randomForestSRC | survival |
bitops | geosphere | maptools | rappdirs | svglite |
boot | ggmap | markdown | rbenchmark | testthat |
broom | ggplot2 | MASS | RColorBrewer | TH.data |
ca | ggplot2movies | Matrix | Rcpp | tibble |
caTools | glmnet | MatrixModels | RcppArmadillo | tidyr |
checkmate | gridExtra | memoise | RcppParallel | tidytext |
chron | gtable | mgcv | RCurl | timeDate |
class | gutenbergr | microbenchmark | readr | timeSeries |
cluster | hexbin | mime | reshape2 | tis |
coda | highlight | miniUI | rex | tm |
codetools | highr | mlbench | RgoogleMaps | tokenizers |
colorspace | Hmisc | mnormt | rjson | topicmodels |
config | hms | modeltools | rmarkdown | triebeard |
covr | htmlTable | mondate | RMySQL | tseries |
crayon | htmltools | multcomp | ROAuth | |
curl | htmlwidgets | munsell | RODBC | urca |
DAAG | httpuv | mvtnorm | rpart | urltools |
data.table | httr | neighbr | Rpoppler | vcd |
date | hunspell | nlme | RPostgreSQL | viridis |
DBI | inline | NLP | rprojroot | viridisLite |
dichromat | iterators | nnet | RSQLite | withr |
digest | itertools | nycflights13 | rticles | wordcloud |
doParallel | janeaustenr | openssl | RUnit | xgboost |
dplyr | jpeg | pkgKitten | rvest | XML |
dtplyr | jsonlite | plogr | sandwich | xml2 |
e1071 | kernlab | plyr | scales | xtable |
evaluate | KernSmooth | pmml | selectr | xts |
expm | knitr | pmmlTransformations | shiny | yaml |
expsmooth | labeling | png | shinyjs | zoo |