MicroStrategy ONE

Deploy MicroStrategy Library on JBoss

Deploy by Exploded Folder:

  1. Unzip the MicroStrategyLibrary.war file as a folder. The folder name must be MicroStrategyLibrary.war.

    unzip MicroStrategyLibrary.war -d MicroStrategyLibrary
    rm -rf MicroStrategyLibrary.war
    mv MicroStrategyLibrary MicroStrategyLibrary.war
  2. Put the MicroStrategyLibrary.war folder under JBOSS_EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/.

    Make sure the user who starts the JBoss EAP process has read/write/execution permission.

  3. In the JBOSS_EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/ folder create a marker file named MicroStrategyLibrary.war.dodeploy.

  4. After deploying the marker file would be updated to MicroStrategyLibrary.war.deployed, if we want to redeploy the folder, just rename it as before.

  5. Open MicroStrategyLibrary/admin page to configure connection to Intelligence Server and Collaboration Server.