MicroStrategy ONE


Before you begin using the MicroStrategy for Power BI or MicrosStrategy for Office connectors, you must have access to Library Web, since the connectors are built using the MicroStrategy REST API. If you have Library and Library Web set up on different servers or port numbers, CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings must be enabled on the Library server. You can do this from a cloud or an on-premise environment.

Enable CORS Settings from a Cloud Environment

  1. From the cloud environment's welcome email, click Access MicroStrategy Platform.
  2. Under More Resources, hover over MicroStrategy Library and click Configure.
  3. On the Library Admin page, select Library Server from the menu bar.
  4. Scroll down to Security Settings and select All.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the Library application.

Enable CORS Settings from an On-Premise Environment

  1. From the Library Admin page, select Library Server from the menu bar.
  2. Under Security Settings, select All.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Restart the Library application.