MicroStrategy ONE

Deploying and Configuring the Web Customization Editor

Once you have downloaded and installed Eclipse, you must deploy and configure the Web Configuration Editor.

The MicroStrategy Web Customization Editor (WCE) is currently in maintenance mode and will not be receiving additional enhancements. As a result, the supported Eclipse versions are 2020-03 and older. MicroStrategy highly recommends using the modern, no-code capabilities of applications to enable branding of the platform instead. This application functionality does not apply to MicroStrategy Web.

This topic illustrates how to deploy and configure the Web Customization Editor.

  1. Unzip and extract com.microstrategy.web.sdk.webcustomization.zip to the eclipse subfolder inside your Eclipse installation folder. This extracts the JAR file, com.microstrategy.web.sdk.webcustomization.jar, into the eclipse\dropins subfolder inside the Eclipse installation folder.

    In older versions of Eclipse, the plug-in is extracted to the eclipse\plugins subfolder. In newer versions of Eclipse, the plug-in is extracted to the eclipse\dropins subfolder. The plug-in will be extracted to whichever subfolder exists in your version of Eclipse. 

  2. Navigate to the Eclipse installation folder, and double-click on eclipse.exe to launch Eclipse. 

  3. Launch the Preferences dialog from Window > Preferences and do the following: 

    1. Click the MicroStrategy preference on the left and make the following settings on the right. 

      1. In the Application Root field under MicroStrategy location and URL settings, browse to the root folder where MicroStrategy Web is installed. 

      2. In the MicroStrategy Web URL field under MicroStrategy location and URL settings, enter the URL for launching MicroStrategy Web. 

        • NET: http://webserver/MicroStrategy/asp/Main.aspx 

        • J2EE: http://webserver/MicroStrategy/servlet/mstrWeb 

      3. Click Apply

      4. Click OK

    2. Click the Web Services preference under MicroStrategy on the left and make the following settings on the right. These settings are determined by where you installed the software needed for Web Services when you set up the Web Customization Editor.

      Refer to the MicroStrategy SDK Readme for the supported versions of Axis2 and the .NET SDK.

      1. For the Web Services Container, choose .Net or Axis2 (for J2EE). 

      2. For the Ant root directory, browse to the root folder for the Apache Ant installation—for example, D:\apache-ant-1.7.1

      3. For the Web Services Deployment Location, browse to the location where you want the files generated by the wizard to be saved. 

      4. For the Axis2 Location, browse to the root folder for the Axis2 installation—for example, D:\axis2.

        If you plan to convert MicroStrategy tasks to a web service using the Web Services Deployment Wizard and then generate a web services stub class for that web service using the Web Services Client Stubs Wizard, you must use the version of Axis 2 that is supported for the Web Services Client Stubs Wizard. Refer to the MicroStrategy SDK Readme for the currently supported version of Axis 2.

      5. The Axis2 kernel jar file field is active if you chose Axis2 as the web services container. Browse to the JAR file for the Axis2 kernel—for example, D:\axis2\lib\axis2-kernel.jar

      6. The Microsoft .NET SDK location  needs a valid value if you chose .Net as the web services container. Browse to the Bin folder for the .NET SDK installation—for example, D:\.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin

      7. Click Apply

      8. Click OK

  4. Go to Window > Open Perspective > Other, select MicroStrategy Web Customization Editor and click OK

The Web Customization Editor is launched with two views open—Application Settings and CSS Settings. Note that a new MicroStrategy menu is added to the default Eclipse menu.

If you close theApplication Settingsor theCSS Settingsviews and need to access them again, go toWindow > Show View, and select the appropriate view.

See also: